Category: Health

Winter is a dangerous season for the elderly, how to prevent the "number one winter health killer"?

Winter is a dangerous season for the elderly, how to prevent the “number one winter health killer”?

During the cooling season, if you’re not careful, your cardiovascular system can light up, especially in the elderly. If you…

Drinking water before bed will make you swollen the next day. Should you drink water before bed or not?

Nowadays, because the quality of food and drink is improving, people’s health consciousness is more and more strong, even some…

Do you have good advice on how to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Do you have good advice on how to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Eating a good breakfast means not only that your stomach feels good, but also that the food mixes well, because…

These 4 foods are recommended for sugar lovers, they are nutritious and can keep blood sugar stable

Many chronic diseases are threatening people’s lives nowadays, the more common chronic diseases include high blood lipid, high uric acid…

Is it true that bananas are laxative?

Is it true that bananas are laxative?

Bananas are considered laxative, mainly because they contain soluble dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and laxatives. But in…

How does diabetes control blood sugar? 5 tips from your doctor to keep your blood sugar steady

How does diabetes control blood sugar? 5 tips from your doctor to keep your blood sugar steady

There are more reasons for the occurrence of diabetes, genetic and environmental factors as well as poor lifestyle habits can…

How moxibustion prevents disease

Moxibustion, also known as moxibustion therapy or moxibustion, is a Chinese medical treatment method that uses moxa strips made of…

Mischievous autumn, keep away from disease to do "two taboos" and "three to"

Mischievous autumn, keep away from disease to do “two taboos” and “three to”

It’s not just a matter of time, it’s a matter of time. It’s not just a matter of time, it’s…