China expert: Western environmentalists are idiots used by the Communist Party

Western environmental groups often praise the Communist Party’s green product certification, and they clearly believe it is serious about reducing carbon emissions. According to a report by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, western environmentalists are idiots exploited by the Chinese Communist Party.

According to a report by Patricia Adams, a longtime China expert, western environmental groups have been caught by the Communist Party, Breitbart News reported Tuesday.

“Like all Western ngos, green groups can operate in China only if they bite the bullet and follow the Communist Party, and Beijing can influence their behaviour through institutions such as the Energy Foundation China.” The China Energy Foundation is a nonprofit nonprofit based in San Francisco that gets its money from the foundations of American billionaires.

Western green groups, Says Adams, have become a de facto mouthpiece for Chinese communist party leaders, praising the party’s supposedly ambitious efforts to tackle climate change while also vocally criticizing its massive coal expansion. Green groups, meanwhile, ignore the obvious.

The Communist Party has not lived up to its international agreements and has no intention of reducing fossil fuel consumption, but is moving in the opposite direction. While the world has woken up to the deception of the Communist Party, says Mr Adams, western environmentalists have been silent. “The Communist Party,” Adams quipped, “treats them like useful idiots.”

The naivity of western environmentalists is embodied in an article by the Environmental Defense Fund entitled “Why China is central to Our Climate strategy”.

“In fact, the Chinese Communists are only interested in environmentalism because it weakens the idiot West by destroying their own economies with unnecessarily inflated energy prices,” Adams noted. Xi Jinping may claim to stop using fossil fuels but China is developing coal at a breakneck pace and hundreds of coal-fired power plants are in the planning stages…

On the oil side, China has an ambitious refinery construction program… To meet China’s growing oil consumption, more capacity is needed. Last year, China consumed about 14.5 million barrels a day of oil and other liquid Energy, up 500,000 barrels a day, or nearly 4 percent, from 2018, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. This increase in oil consumption is estimated to account for two-thirds of the increase in global oil consumption.

Adams noted that because China monitors and controls all foreign environmental groups currently in its territory, their reports are incomplete and unreliable.

At a time when the Communist Party is criticized for many of its malign activities and discredited, reports by environmentalists about its environmental leadership have painted it in a favorable light, leaving Beijing’s critics under fire. The report notes that environmentalists have become the party’s highest-profile cheerleaders.