Do I have to sleep eight hours?

Nearly 30 percent of the world’s population

Is suffering from insomnia

‘Did you sleep well?

Is becoming a problem that many people worry about

You’ve probably heard the phrase:

“You need to sleep eight hours a day.”

They think they only get eight hours of sleep a night

Get enough sleep

8 hours of sleep best?

When it comes to sleep, it is widely believed that eight hours is the most appropriate time. Once this time is less than that, some people feel less energetic and age faster, and try to make up for it.

But, you know what? The eight-hour sleep theory isn’t exactly scientific. If you’re trying to get eight hours of sleep every night, counting up the time you wake up late can lead to mental stress and even worse sleep.

Is it useful to catch up on sleep on the weekend after staying up late?

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But it’s important to note that it’s perfectly fine to catch up on sleep if you’re only staying up late once in a while.

But you can’t go to sleep night and day. It is advisable to wait until your normal sleep time to catch up on sleep and not wake up too late the next day.

However, if you often stay up late and want to catch up on sleep, it is a bit naive…

This is because the rest of the day and night is like the rhythm of a dance. If you miss or miss a beat, trying to catch up with that beat will cause the rest of the rhythm to be disrupted.

Trying to catch up on sleep all the time disrupts our existing sleep habits, making it difficult for us to fall asleep during normal sleep times, which can lead to insomnia.

How to achieve efficient sleep?

People go through 4-5 cycles of sleep a night. Each sleep cycle is classified in terms of brain wave status as “rapid eye movement” (dreaming sleep) and “non-RAPID eye movement” (non-dreaming sleep).

Normally, REM and non-REM alternate about four to five times a night. Adults have a sleep cycle of about 90 minutes each, while children and older adults have a slightly different sleep cycle, which can be 60 minutes per cycle in children.

Each cycle is divided into five stages: falling asleep, light sleep, deep sleep, and dreaming (rapid eye movement).

The length of this entire period, on average, is 90 minutes.

R90 law

If you have to stay up late, try this rule. According to Nick, former president of the British Sleep Association. Little Hales, sleep is a 90-minute recovery cycle. After a full night’s sleep, you feel refreshed, but you wake up tired during the recovery cycle.

The most important part of the R90 sleep regimen is the cycle – the day is divided into 16 90-minute periods. Ideally, sleep a multiple of 90 minutes per night, which can be 7.5 hours or 9 hours.

According to the R90 rule, we don’t need to get a good night’s sleep every day. Instead, aim to get 35 cycles of sleep a week. For example, if you fall asleep at 11:30 p.m., you’d better wake up at 7 a.m. If you fall asleep at 12 p.m., it’s best to wake up at 7:30 a.m., and so on. A total of 35 sleep cycles per week with 5 sleep cycles per night is recommended.

What if you didn’t get a good night’s sleep? It doesn’t matter, insert a 30 – or 90-minute repair cycle at noon or dusk the next day. Spread fatigue evenly with small repair cycles instead of catch up with over the weekend.

If it is really impossible to reach 35 cycles, make sure to get up at a fixed time, sleep according to a fixed cycle, and make good use of the repair cycle. Sleep more than 28 cycles a week and you won’t get too tired.

In a word, quality sleep includes complete sleep cycle and satisfying sleep time. Use the R90 sleep rule to get organized for now.