Sweet potatoes, baked, raise sugar faster than boiled.

Baked sweet potatoes taste better and are more popular than boiled sweet potatoes, but people with high blood sugar levels are advised to prefer boiled sweet potatoes.

According to the data, the glycemic index GI of boiled sweet potatoes is 77, while the GI of baked sweet potatoes spikes directly to 94, which is close to glucose (100), due to the conversion of some of the sucrose into maltose, which raises blood sugar faster during the baking process. Therefore, boiled sweet potatoes are friendlier for people with high blood sugar, but they are also a high glycemic food and should be eaten sparingly. It’s best to eat it with slow glycemic-raising, such as leafy greens and melon and eggplant vegetables, as well as protein-rich foods like eggs and lean meats. People who do not have high blood sugar should not eat too many baked sweet potatoes, in addition to fast glycemic, sweet potatoes baked water loss, per unit weight of energy is higher, after eating easy to convert into fat accumulation, make people fat.