Is it harmful to love hot food in the fall and winter?

Many of you love to eat hot food during the cold season, and you may even feel addicted until your mouth is hot. Is it harmful?

This paper is 1200 words, takes 1 hour to write and about 2 minutes to read.

  • Contents –
  1. Why do you like hot food?
  2. Why do you prefer ice in the summer?
  3. do seniors exercise out by eating hot foods? Is it still harmful?
  4. Why is there a greater need for hot food in winter?
  5. At what temperature is the food best used?
  6. is the high incidence of esophageal cancer related to the different temperatures at which Chinese and foreigners eat?
  7. Why do you like hot food?

Firstly, for the colour and aroma of the food, many volatile substances are more easily emitted and concentrated at high temperatures.

Secondly, food fats, starches and proteins, for example, are also easier to digest and absorb when they are cooked and hot.

Lastly, from a hygiene point of view, in the ancient times when there were no refrigerators, the so-called cold food often just refers to food that has not been heated, which may have been left at room temperature for a long time, with the risk of bacterial growth.

This is why most people tend to eat hot food, regardless of tradition or current habits.

Why do you prefer to eat it cold in summer?

Mostly it has to do with the temperature difference between your body’s internal and external environment.

You’re naturally more comfortable eating something cooler to dissipate heat, and you’ll be more comfortable eating it in the summer.

By the same token, if you have a very warm air on in your room in the winter, many people are willing to go for ice cream as well.

So the key still depends on your environment.

Instead, from a nutritional standpoint, you don’t necessarily have to eat hot in the winter.

  1. do seniors exercise out by eating hot foods? Is it still harmful?
    Many people have this experience, some of the older people in the family have been drinking hot tea for a long time, so they get used to the higher temperature.

The reason why over 65℃ hot drink is classified as Class 2A carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, and also because some people have been used to hot tea for a long time, and it is found that their esophageal cancer will be high, we should note that it is not that you can tolerate it, it will still be the same problem.

It is because the mucous membrane of esophagus will be damaged, degenerated, necrotic and increased under constant heat stimulation, and the risk of esophageal cancer will be increased as more and more abnormal cells are found.

  1. why is there a greater need for hot food in winter?

The hotter something is, the more heat it naturally has, warming you up and making you feel better when you eat it in the winter.

Also if it’s really cold, your mouth, tongue, and skin will be less sensitive to it and will want to eat something hot as well.

  1. At what temperature is the food best used?
    First of all, it depends on the state of the person, if you are a healthy group of people, as long as there is no discomfort in eating, the food taken out of the refrigerator, such as 4 ℃ diet can also be eaten, the upper limit of about 40 to 50 degrees Celsius.

However, if you have digestive problems, including the elderly, it is recommended to eat only warm food.

In addition, from the safety point of view, the temperature we are used to is also the temperature where pathogenic bacteria are likely to multiply, so we should pay attention to food safety, such as leftovers, refrigerated, reheated. 6.

6) Is the high incidence of esophageal cancer related to the different temperature of food consumed by Chinese and foreigners?

The high incidence of esophageal cancer is due to a variety of reasons, including pickled foods such as Chinese salted fish, high salt diet, foods that may be moldy, smoking and drinking, not enough fresh vegetables and fruits, etc. All of these will increase the risk of esophageal cancer.

The temperature of food is also related to the temperature, which the human body can tolerate is about 40~50℃, and if the temperature is too high, the esophageal mucosa will be easily scalded, which will also increase the risk of esophageal cancer.