Breaking news: Trump criticizes Pence’s lack of “courage”, calls McConnell a “weak, pathetic leader”

The National Archives reported on May 15 that the 45th President Trump added fuel to the fire of his feud with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell by issuing a statement the same day that ostensibly focused on the Wall Street Journal’s admission that nearly all 2020 polls were wildly different from reality, but also blamed McConnell’s inaction for his loss of the White House.

President Trump wrote, “The Wall Street Journal finally got it right this time, when they reported that 2020 was ‘the worst presidential polling blunder in 40 years. According to a major polling group, the polls leading up to the 2020 presidential election were the most inaccurate ever. This is purposeful. These polls are a joke. “

Trump said, “States that were predicted days before the election that I would lose, I won by a landslide. Polls in other states deliberately put me way behind, forcing voters and even fans to say, ‘Let’s stay home, honey. We love our president, but there’s no way he’s going to win.’ But in reality, I’m winning in those states, too, or at least very close.”

Mr. Trump added, “In a state where I actually won, but the results were rigged and ABC and Washington Post polls had me down by 17 points, even though it was rigged, the end result was very close. It’s called vote suppression, which is supposed to be illegal. These are crooked, disgusting and very dishonest media outlets that know exactly what they’re doing.”

President Trump then turned his attention to members of the Republican Party who have spoken out against him as Trump took issue with the widely criticized certification of the Electoral College vote on Jan. 6, writing, “By far, the 2020 presidential election is the biggest election issue in our nation’s history. The good news is that the American people get it and the truth is coming out fast!”

Trump said, “If Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College votes back to the states for recertification; if McConnell had not been a weak and pathetic leader, but had fought for us, we would now have a Republican president who could veto the, horrible, socialist bills that quickly passed Congress, including open borders, high taxes, massive regulation, and many other things!”

The National Archives said prominent Republicans, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), have publicly asked, and privately begged, President Trump to drop his ongoing battle with McConnell. Similarly, Pence has repeatedly bragged about his supposed close relationship with President Trump since leaving the White House, which many see as Pence laying the groundwork for a presidential run in 2024.