“Feeling self-brainwashed” U.S. public confused by CDC mask directive

Following the announcement by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to relax the mask order for those fully vaccinated against the coronavirus (CCMV), people in the United States commented on Friday (May 14) about the bill to relax the mask order, saying they were happy to get rid of the masks, but the current enforcement process is confusing.

The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph quoted one New York resident, Marisa, as saying she was not ready to uncover her mask indoors. She said that despite being vaccinated, “I feel like I’ve been brainwashed by everything I’ve read about myself,” and now the CDC is telling her the situation has suddenly shifted, but she’s not ready to take off her mask indoors.

A man in Brooklyn, New York, said he thought wearing a mask “was a sign of respect. “In the past, I thought it was a sign of disrespect. Now I keep it close at hand, just in case.

One Brooklyn couple said, “If I have a lot of people around me, I’ll put it on – mostly to make other people feel safe.”

Some opponents, however, questioned the CDC’s announcement, arguing that it could disguise the implementation of vaccine passports “because you can’t separate people walking down the street who are vaccinated or not,” which could lead to a tightening of people’s choices about whether to get vaccinated.

The CDC said fully vaccinated people should still wear masks in crowded environments and wear masks when riding public transportation, indoors in crowded rooms and in places where businesses require masks.

However, each state’s mask directive is progressing differently at this point, with New York announcing that it has not yet lifted its mask order, but the governor of Illinois has said he is lifting the so-called mask order.

There are also some companies that have said they will not relax the mask order. Companies including Starbucks and Home Depot have refused to lift the mandatory mask order.

Some Americans say they are confused by the contradictory statements from multiple parties who may live in a state that has lifted the mandate, but are going to a state where they must keep their masks on, and vice versa. With no universal messaging, sorting out which states and regions still require masks and which areas can do without is a perplexing process.

On Friday, somewhere in Arizona, people entering a post office automatically put on their masks, as did the staff, and no one tried to enforce the new right not to wear a mask indoors.

In Washington, D.C., Mubarak Dahir, a 57-year-old tourist from Florida, told AFP he would still wear a mask indoors, “I think it’s still too early to believe that such progress is still a bit difficult.”