Because of the Chinese Communist Party’s violation of human rights, the Japanese Immigration Bureau said on the 14th that 11 Chinese were recognized as refugees by the Japanese government in 2020, a record high. However, the number is still low compared to other Group of Seven (G7) countries.
European and American countries continue to raise their voices in criticism of the Chinese government’s violations of the human rights of ethnic minorities in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and its oppression of human rights activists in China.
Hong Kong media reported on November 11 that “the Japanese government seems to recognize that there are more Chinese who should be considered refugees.
The Immigration Bureau said that 47 foreigners were recognized as refugees in 2020, 11 of whom were Chinese, but no Hong Kong residents.
The Mainichi Daily News reported that the largest number of Chinese refugees recognized in Japan in the past was four in 2018. The West Japan News also reported recently that Japan’s refugee recognition rate is less than 1 percent, making it a “refugee lock-in.
The Japanese version of the American online media BuzzFeed recently reported that 3,936 people applied to the Japanese government for refugee recognition in 2020, but only 47 were successful; in 2019, Japan’s refugee recognition rate was only 0.4 percent, compared to other Group of Seven (G7) countries, with Canada’s recognition rate as high as 55.7 percent, the United Kingdom’s 46.2 percent, and the United States’ 29.6 percent.
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