Thrilling: U.S. train crashes truck on railroad tracks, instant fire

Just before 9 a.m. Thursday, March 18, an Amtrak train struck a truck on the tracks located near Oakland, sending it flying about 30 yards and sparking an immediate fire.

The truck driver and his passenger (a co-worker) jumped from the truck before the collision. The driver, 73-year-old Javier Soria, said their truck got stuck on the railroad tracks.

“I suddenly found myself stuck and then saw the train warning lights, when I said, ‘Oh my God.’ I tried to move but couldn’t, and at that point I had to get out of the car and that train was about to hit me!” So I got out of the car and ran across the street to try to stop the train. But it didn’t work, there was no way he was going to stop, he just kept going.” Soria said showing how he waved his arms in the hope that the train driver would see him.

The accident happened at the intersection of Fruitvale Ave and E10th in Oakland.

Soria and his co-workers were trying to clean up the trash at the scene. He said he felt some panic, but was grateful for the calmness of the moment to jump off the truck in time.