Where is America headed? 2021 Conservative Conference draws attention

The 2021 American Conservative Union Convention has special significance. More than a month after President Trump left the White House, with the Democrats controlling the House and Senate and most of the media, many heavyweight conservative political figures gathered to speak out and send a signal to the outside world to guard traditional values and keep America great.

The theme of the conference, “America Uncancelled,” underscored the conservative camp’s determination to stand up to socialism.

On the opening day, Feb. 26, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis gave a welcome speech, briefly mentioning Florida’s success in preventing epidemics and ensuring fair elections. “You will be attacked, ridiculed and even canceled,” he encouraged the crowd, but “please stand your ground and never, ever back down.”

For the second consecutive day, the conference atmosphere continued to be lively, with speakers including governors, senators, representatives, former top government officials and other celebrities praising President Trump and discussing major issues such as the U.S. economy, military, foreign affairs, Epidemic, election fraud, speech censorship, civil rights, and the threat of the Chinese Communist Party, with many of their speeches earning multiple standing ovations and cheers from the audience.

South Dakota Gov. Christie Noem (D) said that 2020 sends the prompt, “Why do we need conservatism?”

She noted that before the outbreak, President Trump had created historic economic growth and jobs numbers. However, after March of last year, the economy was hit hard by multi-state closures. She said bluntly, “It’s not the epidemic that’s destroying the economy, it’s the government.” She said that the accusations made by the left and the leftist media about her state’s epidemic prevention efforts are “lies.

Noem also stressed the importance of preserving American history and tradition for the sake of future generations and the country. Otherwise, suspicion would create a different political image of America. She said that conservatism values the rights and dignity of the individual and “does not divide people based on faith and cultural differences,” but “the left wants to be shepherds” and “we should not be sheep.

On the afternoon of Feb. 27, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a heavyweight speech. He recalled and celebrated the Trump Administration‘s accomplishments, saying “America First guarantees our freedom, and the whole world benefits when America is fearless, bold and strong.”

He criticized Democratic claims and practices, noting that “removing our freedom to peacefully assemble while censoring our online communications is completely antithetical to the concept of America as understood by its founders.”

Pompeo said, “We have demonstrated a strong resistance – a resistance to socialism, a Culture of abolition.” “We refused to stand by and watch our freedom slip away. It was a noble, very worthy fight, and we were right in the middle of it, and we fought hard.” “We have fought hard on almost every front, and we will always fight for it.”

He quoted President Reagan’s famous words as a warning to the crowd, “If we lose our freedom here, we will have nowhere to go. This (America) is the last stand on earth.”

Some U.S. media commented that Pompeo’s speech marked his joining President Trump’s camp. In fact, the convention did prompt Republicans to take a further stand – stick to tradition or retreat into silence? It is reported that former Vice President Mike Pence twice declined the invitation to the convention and did not attend. On the contrary, Vernon Jones, the former Democratic state legislator from Georgia who has been supporting Trump, not only announced his withdrawal from the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party on January 6, but also attended the conservative coalition meeting. Clearly, people have their own choices.

At the moment, it takes great courage to stick to the true conservative path in America. You have to be prepared to face attacks, smears, and intimidation from leftist politicians and the media, as well as the possibility of being shut down by big tech companies, or even losing your job for speaking the truth.

Not long ago, a Chinese friend who has lived in the U.S. for more than 20 years said to me, “I can’t believe that all the social chaos is playing out in the U.S.!”

Indeed, seeing the shocking fraud of the 2020 election, and the connected left media perversion of right and wrong, and the information control of Twitter, Facebook and the oil tube, many people are not immune to pessimism and disappointment. At this point, it is admirable to see who can hold on to their beliefs and defy the odds.

Looking at the news from the 2021 American Conservative Congress, one needs to focus on the essence of what it advocates – conservative (traditional) values. The election of President Trump four years ago was seen as a return to traditional ideas in America. He was well received by more than 70 million voters because he cherished the Constitution, history and the foundations of America’s faith) and because he dared to fight against evil forces such as the Chinese Communist Party in order to defend the interests of America and human rights in the world. As a result, a large number of Americans and people from various countries who aspire to American freedom and democracy have seen hope.

In the face of the current chaos in the United States and many other regions, a return to tradition is actually the fundamental solution to many problems: devotion to God, rebuilding morality, observing the rule of law, and preserving freedom and human dignity. This is the direction that will benefit the whole of humanity.