The official claims that there is zero confirmation of the diagnosis Net exposure Harbin Hulan District and see the epidemic prevention vehicle pulling people

Another Epidemic in Harbin’s Hulan District, authorities dispatched epidemic prevention vehicles and epidemic prevention personnel (Photo credit: video screenshot)

On February 12, the first day of the Lunar New Year, informed netizens disclosed that there was another epidemic in Harbin’s Hulan District, and authorities sent epidemic prevention vehicles and epidemic prevention personnel to pull away some residents from a unit in Building 5 of Yiyuan District. However, the authorities did not report anything about this sudden outbreak of epidemic. And on February 13, the second day of the Lunar New Year, police arrested cars and people on the streets of Hulan District, taking away people who traveled without permission.

According to the official media, there were no new confirmed cases in Heilongjiang Province from 0-24 hours on February 12; no new asymptomatic infected persons. However, residents were asked to “minimize unnecessary travel and gathering and be good guardians of their own health.”

According to local media reports, there were no new confirmed cases of pneumonia and no new asymptomatic infections in Harbin from 00-15 hours on February 13. The report said, “Do not go out unless necessary, do not gather, do not party, do not gather for meals, and try to avoid traveling by public transportation.”

However, videos posted by netizens show that on February 12, authorities sent an epidemic prevention vehicle and epidemic prevention officers into the homes of residents of a unit in Building 5 of the Yiyuan neighborhood, possibly because of a new epidemic, to pull away residents involved in the outbreak.

On February 13, police arrested cars and people on the streets of Hulan District and took away people who were traveling without permission. The man who shot the video said, “It’s back to arresting cars, don’t come out.”