Failure to “get out of poverty” The elderly who want to “get out of poverty” are so anxious that they jump to their feet

The grandfather put scurrying monkeys “out of poverty” (Photo source: video screenshot)

Recently, a video of a grandfather lighting a “scurrying monkey” to “get rid of poverty” has been circulating on the Internet. The old man will write a big “poor” paper on a scurrying monkey of bamboo sticks, expecting the scurrying monkey can take away his poverty in the new year. But the scurrying monkey did not burst, “poor” is still there, “out of poverty” failure. The old man was so anxious that he stomped his feet.

According to official media reports, on December 3, Xi Jinping announced that after eight years of continuous struggle, all rural poor people under the current standards have been lifted out of poverty, all poor counties have been removed, and nearly 100 million poor people have been lifted out of poverty.

But the people were not impressed. Netizens have 2 interpretations of this video.

The old man is saying to the authorities: you say we are “out of poverty”, look, the “poor” is not still there, can not send away.

  1. The grandfather expects to send the “poor” away, but expectations are just expectations, the reality makes the grandfather even more disappointed.

Netizens’ comments.

“Hu Xijin: everyone is out of poverty is equal to not out of poverty.”

“Chinese people are really pathetic! So many people are in a state of poverty while the Communist Party is fighting to spread money everywhere!”

“The psychological smoothness is all clogged up by this firework. It’s not easy to get out of poverty, is it?”

“It is now forbidden to speak of poverty, only of hardship.”

“Old man nuisance, ah, where is poverty in the era of full wellbeing?”

“Ugh! Can this get out of poverty?”

“This is a resounding foot stomp!”

“If it flies away, is it to be understood as poverty without seeing the top?”