4 Hidden Risks of Vaginal Dryness, 3 Ways to Manage It to Relieve Symptoms

What about vaginal dryness in women? Vaginal dryness is a common gynecological symptom. Vaginal dryness not only affects sexual harmony, but also reduces the vagina’s resistance to diseases and increases the risk of gynecological infections. What are the hidden symptoms of vaginal dryness and how to manage it?

4 risks of vaginal dryness in women

Risks of vaginal dryness 1. may be related to hormonal imbalances

For women over the age of 35, frequent menstrual irregularities can mean a hormonal imbalance, which can also lead to a decrease in vaginal discharge, causing vaginal dryness.

Risk of vaginal dryness 2. Decreased ovarian function

As you enter menopause, your ovaries decline and they shrink, with a consequent decrease in vaginal secretions, which can lead to vaginal dryness.

Risk of vaginal dryness 3. Vaginitis

Vaginal dryness is one of the complications of vaginismus, which is a common symptom of vaginal mucosa congestion that can lead to decreased vaginal secretions.

Risk of vaginal dryness 4. Decreased self-cleaning ability of the vagina

Usually the vagina has the ability to clean itself, but due to prolonged sexual intercourse and multiple births, its ability to clean itself gradually decreases, which can also lead to vaginal dryness.

How do you manage vaginal dryness?

Vaginal dryness management method 1. Good vaginal care

For vaginal dryness caused by vaginitis, in addition to actively treating the disease, you should also take good care of your vaginal hygiene, wash your vulva with warm water every day, and change your underwear frequently, and dry them in the sun after washing.

Vaginal dryness management method 2. Use of estrogen

If vaginal dryness is caused by the decline of ovarian function and endocrine disorder, you can supplement estrogen under the guidance of a doctor, which can regulate the endocrine function and increase vaginal mucous secretion to relieve vaginal dryness.

Vaginal dryness management method 3. Diet management

Grains and peeled cereals are high in vitamin B, which helps to increase the elasticity and moisture of the mucous membranes of the skin, which helps to promote vaginal mucous secretion and relieve vaginal dryness. You can also eat more dairy, animal liver and kidney, egg yolk, eel, celery, oranges, tangerines and oranges.