How dangerous is it for a woman to have a baby? It’s good for you to know before you have a baby.

In ancient times, due to outdated medical technology and unhygienic conditions, the mortality rate of pregnant women was very high, no less than a trip to the gates of hell. Now with the development of modern medical technology, although the mortality rate of pregnant women has been greatly reduced, but many people will ignore the various risks of death that still exist for pregnant women today.

What are the dangers that a woman faces when giving birth to a child

Even with the development of modern medicine, there are still many maternal deaths every day in China due to various diseases, among which hypertension during pregnancy, uterine rupture, amniotic fluid embolism, pregnancy complications, and postpartum infections are heavily represented, so let’s look at the following maternity terms.

I. Ectopic pregnancy

With today’s improved and upgraded emergency medical system, it is still difficult to avoid ectopic pregnancy deaths in pregnant women. Because pregnant women and their families do not know much about ectopic pregnancy, they fail to get to the doctor in time and lose the best time to save their lives, leading to death, ectopic miscarriage and ectopic rupture are very dangerous and should go to the hospital immediately.

Ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized egg goes outside the uterus without following the routine, where ectopic abortion occurs when blood flows into the abdominal cavity, causing hemorrhage, and in severe cases, shock. Ectopic pregnancy rupture is a rupture of the fallopian tube, causing acute bleeding, and in a very short period of time, massive bleeding in the abdominal cavity. All of the above conditions are life-threatening.

Amniotic fluid embolism.

Although the probability of amniotic fluid embolism is not high, once it occurs, even if actively resuscitated, the mortality rate is still as high as 80%, known as the most dangerous complications in obstetrics. The reason why there will be amniotic fluid embolism is mainly because in the process of childbirth, the amniotic fluid into the pregnant woman’s blood, and amniotic fluid has fetal fat, minerals, fetal epithelial cells, urea and other substances, directly into the blood is likely to lead to blood vessel blockage, affect blood coagulation function, and ultimately lead to uncontrollable bleeding, resulting in poor pregnancy outcomes.

Rupture of the uterus

A ruptured uterus in a pregnant woman is a serious complication that will directly affect the life of the mother and the fetus in the late stages of pregnancy or during childbirth.

For the mother, uterine rupture will bleed profusely and cause abdominal distension and severe pain, which can lead to hemorrhagic shock and even infection and seriously endanger the life of the mother if she does not seek medical treatment in time.

For the fetus, the rupture of the uterus will force the fetus to enter the abdominal cavity, the fetal position, the shape of the uterus will change, resulting in early abruption of the placenta, fetal distress.

Placental abruption

Normally, the placenta will only peel off from the uterine wall after the fetus is born and expelled from the body. If there is vaginal bleeding, blood in the amniotic fluid, abnormally reduced fetal movement, abdominal cramping pain, frequent contractions, etc., you should be alert to the presence of placental abruption, and should seek medical examination as soon as possible.

Heart disease during pregnancy

As the uterus enlarges during pregnancy, blood volume increases, increasing the load on the heart. During childbirth, a large amount of blood rushes to the heart, making it easy for the pregnant woman to develop heart failure after delivery, such as heart failure, uterine hypoxia causing miscarriage or premature delivery, and the fetus is prone to stunting and fetal distress.

Gestational diabetes

Pregnant women need to have a glucose tolerance test during this period of 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, which can detect if they have gestational diabetes, and the vast majority of patients with diabetes are detected after pregnancy. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes are more likely to have fetal abnormalities, developmental delays, and giant babies than the average pregnant woman. And this gestational diabetes in the vast majority of cases, after delivery, the glycemic index will slowly return to normal.

Postpartum infection

Postpartum infections in pregnant women generally include endometritis, pelvic organ infections, birth canal and cervical wound infections, thrombophlebitis, etc. Among them, birth canal and cervical wound infections are mostly due to wound infections after suture removal, inflammation, swelling and pus, etc. Further development of inflammation can cause inflammation of fallopian tubes, acute inflammation of pelvic connective tissues, and in more severe cases, adhesions of pelvic organs to the omentum and intestines, causing pelvic peritonitis.

Is it better to give birth to a child or to have a cesarean section?

In addition to coping with the various symptoms that arise before and after childbirth, it is also important to think about whether the child would prefer a surgical cesarean section or a cesarean delivery. There are those who say that a natural birth is quicker to recover and those who say that a cesarean section is safe.

The fetus belongs to the natural birth through the birth canal, for the baby, cardiopulmonary function and body immunity will be relatively better than the cesarean section. For women, a natural birth has faster postpartum recovery, immediate access to food and breastfeeding, etc. However, it is prone to Y-tract laxity, easy to infections during the puerperium, wound inflammation, uterine prolapse, etc. Of course, not all women are suitable for a cesarean section.

Nowadays, more and more pregnant women are opting for cesarean section for many reasons, such as fear of not being strong enough to give birth, high fetal weight, superstitious belief in the auspicious zodiac, and so on. The most important thing is still that if a pregnant woman has a situation where she is not suitable for a Y-channel delivery, having a cesarean section can save the life of both the mother and the baby.

In fact, there is no absolute statement as to which is the best way to give birth, expectant mothers should combine their own actual situation when choosing a birth method, under the guidance of a professional obstetrician and gynecologist to choose a suitable birth method for themselves.