Hatred and intimidation from the left

Last Wednesday, Dec. 16, the U.S. Senate held a hearing on election fraud.

Trumpis, a former Wisconsin judge who is now a lawyer, testified at the hearing on behalf of Trump‘s (Trump’s) election team. His testimony, to my great surprise.

He told a hearing held by the federal Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs that something is happening in the United States that “is a sad, sad state of affairs.” What he considered pathetic sounded extremely frightening to me. He said that America’s “court system has been deeply intimidated by the left, just as lawyers have been intimidated.”

During the Senate hearing, Trumpisi was a witness who explained why he decided to join the campaign to challenge the election results on behalf of the campaign when many lawyers refused to take over. He said he believes many prominent law firms did not want to get involved in the election litigation for fear of retaliation from the left.

“One of the reasons I was called in was because almost every major law firm in this country and in this city refused to represent the president. Not because his claims lack legal merit (we’ve certainly proven there is), but because the environment created by the left intimidates the lawyers so they can’t be here (to represent Trump). Those big law firm lawyers aren’t here precisely because they’ve been ordered by their governing boards and others to say, ‘You can’t take those cases. The reason is, our clients, or the Democrats, or the incoming administration will hold a grudge, and they will hold that against you.'”

“As a former judge, I’m outraged by that.” He said.

Earlier, other lawyers representing the president and his campaign also revealed that they were harassed or threatened after they decided to take on the election case.

One of those lawyers, Linda Kern, had to be placed under official protection after receiving “hurtful threats” and was forced to withdraw from a case in Pennsylvania. Kern revealed in November that she “has been subjected to ongoing harassment, including abusive emails, phone calls, physical and financial threats, and even charges of ‘treason’ …… all because of her role in this lawsuit representing the campaign of the President of the United States.”

Jenna Ellis, legal counsel for the Trump campaign, revealed that she received numerous phone calls and threatening messages, some even threatening her personal safety.

In an interview with Breitbart News on Nov. 25, Ellis said she had received hundreds of threatening private messages and messages. Some were overt, such as threats to disbar her and encouraging people to file complaints against her as a lawyer. Others were more direct and rude.

Despite the difficulties, many Trump campaign lawyers and attorneys for third-party lawsuits are moving forward with their legal challenges to election fraud until concerns about potential fraud are transparently and independently addressed.

However, many of these cases have been dismissed by judges on procedural grounds, such as lack of standing to bring a lawsuit.

Rather than ending or decreasing, such matters have been increasing recently. Attorneys Linwood, Powell, Ellis, and Giuliani, have all been threatened.

As a long-time journalist covering news in mainland China, I’m actually no stranger to this sort of thing. You may all remember that on July 9, 2015, the Chinese Communist Party deployed its political security police to arrest a large number of legal workers, including their assistants, throughout China. Yes, that’s the famous 709 incident.

It’s been more than five years since it happened, and many people may have forgotten, but I haven’t. Because all those lawyers, without exception, have assisted Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China to fight for their rights and interests through legal means, and to fight for the rights that are stipulated in the constitution that the Chinese Communist Party itself established. Some of these lawyers are still in prison, all of them are still under close surveillance, and almost all of them have lost their licenses to practice law.

The arrest and imprisonment of lawyers is an attack on the legal system, and certainly on the Constitution. We believe that Rule of Law is a hallmark of the modern state, and that this Law is a consensus and tacit agreement of society as a whole, and that it does not belong to certain individuals or groups.

Of course, China under the Communist Party is not a country under the rule of law, so people are very angry but not surprised that the Communist Party is cracking down on a large number of lawyers who are acting in accordance with the law. Before 709, lawyers Gao Zhisheng, Tang Jingling, Guo Quan, and many other lawyers suffered the same persecution. Lawyer Gao Zhisheng’s whereabouts are still unknown to this day.

But in the United States, lawyers who acted in accordance with the law have surprisingly been threatened in a similar way. Note that attorney Trumpisi testified that many law firms are afraid to take cases because: their clients, or the Democratic Party, or the incoming administration will hold a grudge, and they will hold that against you.

The deepest concern here is the incoming administration, which may retaliate.

If we think this same scenario is just a coincidence, we may be naive.

I’ve watched a number of films online about the BLM and Antifa protests, and their arguments with people of a conservative bent. One of the films that really struck me was in California, where a conservative, I assume a devout Christian, was holding up a banner that said, LOVE ALL, and it drew the ire of a leftist protester, a woman, who pointed a megaphone at the nose of the person holding the banner and called him a fascist and a racist.

In that film, the leftist lady shouted dozens of times in a row, her face contorted in an extremely hateful tone, abusing the man holding the LOVE ALL. One is love, but the other is hate.

You can find a lot of similar films on the internet. The tone of the extreme left is similar, to put it bluntly, is hate, hate America, hate the world.

Anyone from mainland China who is a little older is no stranger to the expression and tone of this leftist lady, we saw the same thing all the time during the Cultural Revolution. This made me realize one thing: social movements that use extreme hatred as a motivation, no matter what kind of reasons and logic they have on the surface, must be evil behind the scenes.

They really only have two weapons, when he does not have enough power, they use bribery, money and beauty, fame and sex, and when they have enough power, they use fear, persecution of those who oppose, those who disagree.

The extreme leftists in America (sorry I don’t want to say Democrats, because they are just the extreme leftists in the Democratic Party), use the same path. When they have enough power, they use the power of “fear”. That’s what’s happening to the lawyers in the US.

These days, something similar is happening in Hong Kong. Oppositionists are being jailed, judges are being intimidated for judging cases according to the law, and Falun Gong practitioners’ propaganda stations are being vandalized by gangsters for days on end. They have the power in their hands, they have the guns and the knives, so they can use the power of “fear” with impunity.

American lawyers are angry because they have rarely encountered such things, but the Chinese are afraid because they know that the Communist regime is never merciful, and they have never hesitated, never hidden the weapon of “fear. But they will hold up a nice sign.

Just like Chinese patriotism, most of the time it has nothing to do with China, nothing to do with the human emotion of “love”, but with foreign countries, with hatred. Mao Zedong said that there is no love without a reason in this world, and there is no hate without a reason, love and hate, both have a position. Too many Chinese people have experienced such scenes, when you say you like another country, they will be called “unpatriotic”. Not even if you love all of humanity. This is only a logical contradiction on the surface, but deeper down they are in agreement, because their love is actually expressed with hatred.

So I would say that any social movement that mobilizes with extreme hatred will end in a reign of terror, whether it is called communism, Nazism, or so-called socialism.