Dry mouth, bitter mouth, bad breath? Try These 5 Treats for Nutritious, Delicious, and Bad Breath Removal

What’s the deal with waking up in the morning and feeling dry and bitter in the mouth, astringent in the mouth, and a bad taste spreading in the mouth?

In general, it is quite common to have occasional dry and bitter mouth, which can be caused by being thirsty, not drinking water on time, or eating certain things, but in the long term, it usually indicates the occurrence of some disease in our body.

Why do I have bitter, dry mouth and bad breath?

  1. Oral diseases

Dry mouth, bitter mouth, bad breath may be caused by oral diseases, such as dental caries, mouth ulcers, gingivitis, etc. Due to swollen gums, bleeding, periodontal pockets overflowing pus, oral hygiene is very poor, the accumulation of plaque, tartar and tartar on the teeth under the action of bacteria and microorganisms, decay and fermentation, producing an unpleasant smell. Oral diseases may also present symptoms such as toothache and bleeding gums, when it is best to check your mouth.

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases

Usually not paying attention to the diet can also cause dry mouth, bitter mouth, bad breath, especially if you eat too much dinner, short time from sleep, not easy to digest, stay in the stomach, easy to cause oral odor.

If accompanied by nausea, vomiting sour and bitter yellow water, constipation, etc., it may be that the stomach fire is too strong, has damaged the body fluids, diet should be careful, avoid eating spicy, greasy food.

  1. Liver diseases

According to Chinese medicine, dry mouth and bitterness in the mouth may be caused by Damp-Heat of the Liver and Gallbladder. Generally speaking, Damp-Heat of the Liver and Gallbladder will lead to the inability of Qing Qi to descend, thus causing the stomach to become erratic, causing dry mouth, bitter mouth and bad breath.

If dry mouth, bitter mouth and bad breath are accompanied by abdominal distension, anorexia, lateral pain, burning, etc., it is best to go to the hospital for examination.

What do you eat for dry, bitter, bad breath?

1, drinking lotus seed soup to remove heartburn

Symptoms: divided into two kinds of virtual and real, virtual fire manifestation of low fever, night sweats, upset, dry mouth, etc.; solid fire manifestation of repeated oral ulcers, dry mouth, urine short red, upset and irritable.

Food therapy: lotus seeds 30 grams (without going to lotus heart), mast seeds 15 grams (wrapped in gauze), add rock sugar moderate amount, water decoction, eat lotus seeds drink soup.

2, eating liver can go to the lung fire

Symptoms: dry cough without phlegm or phlegm less and sticky, hot flashes and night sweats, hot hands and feet, insomnia, red tongue.

Food therapy: pig liver 1 pay, chrysanthemum 30 grams (wrapped in gauze), cooked until the liver is cooked, eat liver and drink soup.

3, drink mung bean porridge for stomach fire

Performance symptoms: divided into two kinds of false, virtual fire performance as a slight cough, less food and drink, constipation, abdominal distension, red tongue, less moss; solid fire performance for abdominal discomfort, dry mouth, bitter, dry stool hard.

Food therapy: 30 grams of gypsum powder, round-grained rice, mung beans, the right amount of each, first decocted with water to cook gypsum, and then filtered to remove the residue, take its clear liquid, and then join the japonica rice, mung beans and cooked porridge food.

4, drink pear water to remove liver fire

Performance symptoms: headache, dizziness, tinnitus, dry eyes, bitter mouth, bad breath, distension and pain in the ribs.

Food therapy: 10 grams of mother-of-pearl crushed into the end, 2 pears, peeled and cut into pieces, add crystal sugar, water and stewed.

5, eat pork loin to remove kidney fire

Performance symptoms: dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, lumbar spine soreness and tenderness, hot flashes and night sweats, irritability.

Food therapy: pork loin 2 only, wolfberry, dogwood each 15 grams, a total of in a casserole dish cooked until the pork loin, eat pork loin and drink soup.

The above dietary remedies can help us to relieve dry, bitter and bad breath to some extent, and you can choose according to your needs.

Of course, these symptoms caused by the disease are still recommended to seek treatment from a regular hospital and combine it with dietary therapy.