Which acupuncture point is the most important for knee arthritis and what point is used for constipation? What acupuncture points do you use for fat reduction?

  1. Calf’s Nose (ST 35)

[Positioning] Flex the knee, in the lateral recess of the patellar ligament (see Figure 2-15). Also known as external knee eye.

Indications] Knee pain, bending and stretching, lower limb paralysis.

【Experience】 Stab 0.5 ~ l inch backward inward oblique. This point everyone knows, knee, like the nostrils of cattle, the middle of the patellar ligament is like the septum of cattle, so the outer knee for the calf nose. The knee eye is the most commonly used acupuncture point for knee disorders, bar none. Generally bend the knee to take the point, when lying flat on the popliteal fossa under the best pad, this position can smoothly pierce the joint cavity, to reduce inflammation, pain and swelling effect.

11 – Foot Sanli (ST 36) Hap Point; Lower Stomach Hap Point

Positioning: 3 inches below the calf and nose acupoint, one transverse finger outside the anterior crest of the tibia (see Figure 2-15).

Indications: ① stomach pain, vomiting, choke diaphragm, abdominal distension, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation and other gastrointestinal diseases; ② lower limb paralysis; ③ palpitations, hypertension, epilepsy; ④ deficiency syndrome, for strong health care point.

【Experience】 1 ~ 2 inches straight piercing. Strong health care with, commonly used warm moxibustion method. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the “three feet and three miles”, which is a well-known acupuncture point in the clinic. “Foot three li is worth an old hen,” many people know the saying, which means that foot three li is strong in tonifying qi. Foot three li is used to replenish qi is generally used moxibustion rather than acupuncture, if massage, the power should be gentle and gentle. As the lower healing point of the stomach, the foot three li is the most commonly used point for treating digestive tract diseases, whether the stomach is solid or weak, whether it is bloating and vomiting, or constipation and diarrhea. It can also be used to treat local diseases such as pain and weakness in the lower limbs. We say “treating atrophy by taking Yang Ming alone”, treating diseases such as stroke hemiplegia, paraplegia and other lower limb muscle weakness, the foot Sanli is the most commonly used acupuncture point. It should also be noted that the acupuncture method of the foot and three li is generally straight stabbing, and in most cases, the sensation of the needle is conducted downward, because Chinese medicine believes that “the stomach is surrendered for smooth”, so we generally treat it in this way. When the stomach hurts, you can also use another kind of pricking method, that is, pressing the bottom of the foot three li, the needle tip upward, so that the needle sensation is conducted upward, preferably to the stomach, this is called “qi to the disease”. If you are massaging the feet three li, must pay attention to the feet three li acupuncture points are full, if full can massage power focus okay; if the feet three li acupuncture points at the depression, no flexibility, should be gentle and gentle, this can play a role in tonifying.

12) Upper Jiao Xu (ST 37) Lower Large Intestine Acupoint

Positioning】 6 inches below the calf and nose acupuncture point, 3 inches below the foot and three li acupuncture point (see Figure 2-15).

Indications: ① bowel sounds, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, intestinal carbuncle and other gastrointestinal disorders; ② lower limb paralysis.

[Experience] Direct stabbing l ~ 2 inch. Upper Juhu is also commonly used for diarrhea and constipation, as well as for localized numbness and weakness of the lower extremities. It is similar to the Foot Sanli acupuncture point in these two uses. However, Foot San Li basically covers the entire digestive tract, while Upper Ju Ju is mainly used for colorectal disorders and is very often used in conjunction with the Tian Shu point. In addition, the Foot Sanli acupuncture point has a tonifying effect that the Upper Jiao Xuefu does not have.

  1. Article (ST 38)

Positioning] 2 inches below the upper Ju Xu point (see Figure 2-15).

Indications: ① lower limb paralysis, turning tendons; ② shoulder and arm pain; ③ epigastric pain.

【Experience】 Direct stabbing l~1.5 inch. The upper point is the lower point of the large intestine meridian, and the lower point is the lower point of the small intestine meridian, which is less important. Therefore, Diao Kou acupoint is less used in digestive diseases, except for local effects. Rather, it is used a lot in frozen shoulder and shoulder joint pain, making it the first main treatment of the Doukou acupoint. “Doukou Tou Chengshan for frozen shoulder” and “Yingxiang Tou Si Bai for biliary roundworm” were both effective acupuncture methods discovered in the 1950s and 1960s after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, when acupuncture was popularly studied. Biliary roundworms are basically hard to see nowadays, so acupuncturists of my generation do not have the opportunity to practice acupuncture. Unlike this, frozen shoulders abound, and the application of strip-knuckle through Chengshan is still widespread. The acupuncture needles are more than three inches in length and the tip of the acupuncture needle pierces straight into the direction of Chengshan, then the patient can move the shoulder joint. Because of this, some people also call the acupuncture point “shoulder tightening point”. 14.

  1. Lower Jiao Xu (ST 39) Lower Small Intestine Acupoint

Positioning] 3 inches below the upper Ju Xu point (see Figure 2-15).

[Indications] ① diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal pain; ② lower limb impotence; ③ breast carbuncle.

【Experience】 Direct stabbing l ~ 1.5 inches. Lower Ju Xu is the small intestine meridian of the lower meridian, but it does not treat urine unfavorable, but the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and a class of diseases, mainly to take the small intestine “secretion distinguish the clear and turbid” effect, in Chinese medicine prescriptions also have the same usage, called “the small stool to the actual stool”. In other words, the water in the intestines is reabsorbed into the urine to stop diarrhea.

  1. Fenglong (ST 40) Loop point

Positioning: 8 inches above the outer ankle tip, 1 inch outside of the strip of mouth point, two transverse fingers outside the anterior tibial crest (see Figure 2-15).

Indications: ① headache, dizziness, epilepsy; ② cough phlegm; ③ lower limb paralysis.

[Experience] Direct stabbing l ~ 1.5 inches. Fenglong is a complex point of the stomach meridian, but its greatest effect is to dispel dampness and resolve phlegm. In addition to the local treatment of lower limb pain and weakness, all other primary diseases come from its function of expectorating dampness and resolving phlegm. Dampness and phlegm can cause many diseases, so Fenglong has a wide range of treatments. For example, it can treat headaches and dizziness, but only if they are caused by phlegm dampness. It treats epilepsy, which is also caused by phlegm clouding the mind. Fenglong has been reported to lower blood fat because high blood fat is also a manifestation of phlegm and dampness in Chinese medicine. Patients with high blood pressure and high blood lipids can massage the Fenglong acupoint when they have time. The majority of the Fenglong point local muscles are full, massage should be used with heavy manipulation, if there are conditions can also moxibustion Fenglong.

16) Inner Ting (ST 44) Xin acupoint

Positioning] The end of the suture pattern between the 2nd and 3rd toes of the dorsum of the foot (see Figure 2-16).

[Indications] ① toothache, sore throat, epistaxis; ② fever; ③ stomach disease, vomiting acid, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation; ④ dorsal swelling and pain, metatarsophalangeal joint pain.

[Experience] straight or oblique prick 0.5 ~ 0.8 inch. The Nei Ting point is the Xingying point of the Stomach meridian, mainly used to relieve heat in the Stomach meridian, so it can treat stomach fire and toothache, stomach fire-induced constipation, vomiting acid, diarrhea and dysentery caused by damp heat.

  1. Knight (ST 45) Well Hole

Positioning] Approximately 0.1 inch next to the angle of the lateral toenail of the second toe (see Figure 2-16).

Indications: ① epistaxis, toothache, sore throat; ② fever, dreamy, epileptic.

【Experience】 Shallow prick 0.1 inch. As the first well point introduced in the Sixth Foot Meridian, I will briefly describe it. Most of the well points are in a similar location, about 0.1 inch next to the corner of the toenail. The main treatment is similar, mainly dipping the fire from the main meridian, treating various heat symptoms, and also treating epileptic symptoms. Most of the well points have a similar therapeutic effect, and some have other special effects on top of that, while the Li-Tui point is more common and has no other effects.