These bad habits will cause acute pyelonephritis unfortunately many people do not know!

Today we’re going to talk about the risk factors for acute pyelonephritis.

Risk factors for acute pyelonephritis

  1. Gender factors

The female urethra is shorter, wider and straighter than the male urethra, and closer to the anus and vaginal opening. Either around the vaginal opening (vagina secretion is also a kind of bacteria culture medium, the bacteria can reproduce), or around the anus (there is a small amount of excrement and urine, contain inside the digestive tract bacteria), there are a lot of bacteria, is likely to be potential pathogens of pyelonephritis, this makes pyelonephritis women than men are more likely to occur.

Hold your urine in for a long time

A lot of people work a busy can’t stop, go up toilet nature also “procrastinate again”; Warm and comfortable in bed at night in winter, unwilling to pee in the bathroom (unheated room); The game so funny that people forget everything, cards, chess do not want to leave the table; The long lines of toilets in the offices of large companies with heavy work and dense staff; The endless highway… Both cause modern bladders to shiver and make you hold in your urine for a long time, which can do a lot of harm to your body (as mentioned above).

  1. Drinking too little water

Due to busy work and fast pace of life, many people often leave work without a glass of water. If you do not drink water for a long time, the amount of urine will be reduced, urine oxalic acid, uric acid and urea and other excreted waste concentration will increase, it is easy to suffer from kidney stones, hydronephrosis and other kidney diseases, and then induce pyelonephritis.

  1. Be sedentary

Sedentary can make pudendal ministry is in damp and hot state for a long time, at the same time beneficial to pelvic cavity is in congestive state for a long time, provided good environment for bacterial reproduction and hyperplasia.

  1. Not paying attention to perineal cleanliness

The perineal sweat glands and sebaceous glands are highly secreted, and the leucorrhea secreted by the vagina is also a hotbed for bacterial growth. If you don’t pay attention to the perineal cleanliness, then you are prone to urinary tract infections. Often wear tight pants, nylon or acrylic underwear, so not conducive to breathing the skin of the pudendal, resulting in hot and humid pudendal, which is also conducive to the growth and reproduction of bacteria, especially the hot weather, sweating much in summer, so acute pyelonephritis incidence in summer is relatively high.

  1. Kidney disease

Nephropathy, such as glomerulonephritis, renal cyst, polycystic kidney disease, renal tumor, chronic tubular interstitial disease, chronic renal failure, etc., can reduce the local antibacterial ability of the kidney and easily complicate pyelonephritis.

Retrograde infections during sex

Female urethra is wide and short straight, adjacent vagina, anus, perineal place has coliform below normal circumstance colonize, when sexual life can squeeze the bacterium around urethral mouth into urinal, cause urinal infection. Therefore, infection during sex is a more common cause.

  1. Special times for women

Menstruation: Menstrual blood is a natural bacterial medium, and improper reuse of sanitary products, such as not changing for a long time, can increase the risk of infection.

Pregnancy: During pregnancy, the enlarged uterus will compress the bladder and ureter, dilate the ureter and slow peristalsis, which will easily lead to poor urine flow and increase the risk of infection.

Menopause: At this time, due to the lack of estrogen, vaginal mucosa atrophy, increase in vaginal PH, changes in bacterial flora, local resistance decreased. Urethral orifice is pulled and exposed urethral mucous membrane, urethral closure is reduced. The vagina and urethra are less self-cleansing and antibacterial, so they are more likely to develop urinary tract infections.

  1. Urinary obstruction

Urinary obstruction, such as urinary calculi, tumor, stenosis, prostatic hypertrophy and neurogenic bladder, causes poor urine flow, reduced local antibacterial ability, and is conducive to increased infection and pressure. It is an important inducement for pyelonephritis. About 60% of patients with urinary obstruction are complicated with pyelonephritis, and obstructive lesions may also be the cause of recurrent urinary tract infections and difficult to cure.

  1. Hematogenous infection

Some bacteria through the cold, blood diseases, infectious endocarditis and other ways of infection, the blood with bacteria into the kidney, the formation of large and small abscesses here, abscess injury along the renal tubules spread to the renal pelvis, causing renal pelvis infection, so that the patient appears pyelonephritis. If an infection occurs in an organ near the kidney, or if the kidney is injured in a car accident, bacteria can enter the kidney directly and cause pyelonephritis. Diseases of department of gynaecology such as vaginitis, cervicitis and so on also can cause germ ascending infection to cause pyelonephritis.

  1. Invasive procedures of the urinary tract

Catheterization or indwelling urethral catheter, cystoscope and ureteroscope examination, intravenous pyelography, urinary system surgery, etc., can lead to the damage of urinary mucosa, if there is pathogenic bacteria invasion during the examination operation, it may cause urinary tract infection, leading to pyelonephritis.

  1. Burnout

Modern medicine believes that people in the state of fatigue plus work, mental stress, easy to cause resistance to decline, easy to cause pyelonephritis.

  1. Systemic factors

Systemic factors, such as diabetes, hypertension, long-term hypokalemia, heart failure and many chronic wasting diseases, are associated with pyelonephritis.

Urethral malformation

Minor female frequent urinary tract infection, the urethra should be vigilant congenital malformation.

  1. Certain medications

Long-term use of glucocorticoids, immunosuppressive agents, a large number of broad-spectrum antibiotics, and so on, easy to occur pyelonephritis.

Some professional groups

Some specific occupational groups, such as soldiers, teachers, police, medical workers, operators, drivers, sales staff, take-out boys, etc., are prone to acute pyelonephritis because of their occupational characteristics, such as drinking less water, often holding back urine, and not free to go to the toilet.

  1. Other information

Contraceptives, such as condoms and oral contraceptives, are prone to urinary tract infections. People with urinary incontinence and vesicoureteral reflux are prone to pyelonephritis; People with AIDS and cirrhosis are prone to pyelonephritis; People with low immunity, such as the elderly, children are also prone to pyelonephritis.