John Poulos, center, president and CHIEF executive officer of the Dominion Voting System, testifies before the House Executive Committee hearing in New York, Jan. 9, 2020.
Allied Security Operations Group released a report Sunday on 16 Dominion voting machines in Michigan that concluded the machines had a 68 percent error rate and were deliberately designed to result in systematic ballot fraud.
Pulse according to The American conservative news publication country “(The National Pulse) 14, joint security operations team forensic judicial appraisal report released on Sunday, they found in The examination, Michigan Antrim County Antrim (County) of The dominion of The voting machine error rate is as high as 68.05%, and The election of The federal election commission allowed error rate is 250000 per 1 (0.0008%). “This shows significant and fatal errors [in the Dominican Voting system] in terms of security and election integrity,” the report said.
The report also said that errors in the Dominican Republic’s voting system were not caused by improper staff operations, but by the system design and software of the voting machines themselves. The system deliberately generated a large number of ballot errors and then handed over electronic ballots to the adjudicatory process. This deliberate error led to a large number of votes going through the adjudicator process, and in the absence of oversight, transparency, or audit trails, this error could lead to massive electoral fraud.
“We have concluded that the Dominican Voting system was deliberately and purposefully designed with inherent errors to cause systemic fraud and influence election results,” the JOINT Security Task Force report said.
The report was accompanied by the full text of a test report released by the Joint Security Task Force on Dec. 13.
In this year’s U.S. election, election officials in Antrim County found that they used Dominican voting machines that counted 6,000 votes for President Donald Trump in the name of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. After the incident was exposed by the media, the public raised doubts about the possibility of systematic errors in the Dominican voting machine.
Leftist media widely reported that it was a “glitch” and blamed it on improper staff handling the error.
However, several key swing states, including Michigan, have been repeatedly accused of various forms of voter fraud since election Day. Meanwhile, Antrim County has revealed two more vote-counting errors, both related to Dominican voting machines.
A recount last week revealed that dominion voting machines netted 742 more votes than were cast in a November 6 election at Central Lake Township Educational Board in Anteem County, Ill., according to Gateway Pundit on December 12. In a district with only six eligible voters, the Dominican machines put the total at 663, but only three actually cast their ballots. The situation has raised questions about whether voting machines in use across the country have shifted a large number of votes for Trump to Biden.
DE peja’s Law firm (DePerno Law) forensics lawyer Matthew DE palin’s (Matthew DePerno) on behalf of the central lake town residents William Bailey (William Bailey), filed a lawsuit and asking the court to allow the expert team of antrim county 22 districts tabulator, USB drives, related software, clerks Lord tabulator forensic investigation.
On December 4 in the afternoon, Michigan, circuit court judge Mr Coulson 13 hammer (Kevin a. Elsenheimer) approved William bailey and his team of IT experts, 16 sets of antrim county, dominion voting machines, tabulator, USB drives, related software and clerks of the tabulator forensic research, the order of the court awarded in check bailey team to get the power of the image of independent investigation. The judge also ordered a ban on the destruction of data related to the 2020 election from the Dominican Voting system.
A team of seven trained forensic IT experts went to antrim County on December 5 to collect the votes. Eight hours later, the IT team was escorted to the airport by two Antry County sheriff’s cars and flown out with physical evidence, including 16 CF cards (similar to SIM cards), 16 USB drives and forensic images of Dominican voting machines.
A few days later, the team of IT experts produced their forensic findings, but the Michigan attorney-general barred the team from disclosing them to the outside world, and the court upheld the attorney-general’s injunction, citing “national security” concerns.
On Friday, De Perno filed an emergency motion with Judge Elsenheimer asking the court to lift a protective order barring him from sharing the results of his tests. De Perno reminded the judges that the deadline for electors to vote for the next president is December 14. In his application, he noted that the Michigan Secretary of State would not allow judicial testing of Dominion software on the grounds that it violated the state’s agreement with Dominion. But antrim County produced an agreement showing that they had not signed a clause that did not allow judicial testing.
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