Novel Coronavirus has killed more than 825 million cases worldwide

According to statistics as of 4 p.m. INTERNATIONAL Standard time this morning, the Novel Coronavirus epidemic has caused 25 million confirmed cases of disease and 84,2915 deaths worldwide. France yesterday reported more than 5, 400 new confirmed infections in 24 hours, but that was down slightly from the previous days.

More than 5,400 new cases of coronavirus have been recorded in the past 24 hours, agence France-Presse quoted the French public Health organization as saying late On Saturday, a number that has dropped after three days of “exponential” increases.

France counted 5,453 new positive diagnoses, compared with 7,379 on Friday, 6,111 on Thursday and 5,429 on Wednesday.

In terms of infection rates, the test reported positive rates continued to increase, from 4 percent over the past seven days to 3.9 percent on Friday and 3.8 percent on Thursday to 3.6 percent on Wednesday.

A total of 30,602 people have died in France since the outbreak began, with six deaths reported in the 24 hours yesterday.

More than 25 million cases of the new coronavirus have been confirmed worldwide, with 25,029,250 confirmed cases and 842,915 deaths, according to a comprehensive official count by AFP at 4:20 am today.

The pace of the pandemic appears to be steadily increasing worldwide, with about one million cases detected every four days since mid-July.

After being first hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, Asia again recorded the largest number of new cases in the world in the last week (570,819), with more than eight out of 10 cases in India.

They are closely followed by Latin America and the Caribbean (552,238), Canada and the United States (296,503), Europe (221,670), the Middle East (80,966), Africa (59,688) and Oceania (1,670), according to AFP.

North America Canada and the United States are second only to Latin America and the Caribbean (7,222,153 cases, including 273,887 deaths).

India is seriously affected. India announced on Sunday that it had recorded 78,761 new coronavirus cases in 24 hours, setting a new world record. The previous record was set in the United States on July 17, with 77,638 confirmed cases.

India had the most new infections in the past week (488,271), ahead of the US (293,419), AGence France-Presse said.

The number of new cases in Argentina has exploded over the past seven days (+35 per cent), passing the 400,000 confirmed COVID-19 mark on Saturday.

India (+9%) has an upward trend. But the United States (-5%), Brazil (-1%) and Colombia (-13%) reported declines.

The number of confirmed cases reflects only a fraction of the actual cases, as many countries use tests only for tracing, or do not have sufficient resources to carry out large-scale screening, AFP explained.