Trump said the biggest winner of the defense bill is that the Chinese Communist Party will veto it

The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives recently passed the 2021 Defense Authorization Act, which is awaiting President Donald Trump’s signature. But Today, Trump again vetoed the bill, citing the Chinese Communist Party as the biggest winner.

Trump has criticized the $740.5 billion Defense Authorization Bill for fiscal year 2021, in part for failing to end Section 230 of the Communications and Decency Act.

Article 230 of the Law exempts Internet platform operators from the liability of others for infringing information or inappropriate content, and allows content censorship. Trump has argued that Section 230 provides the space for large technology companies to evade responsibility and poses a serious threat to U.S. national security and electoral integrity.

Trump has also said that social media giants like Facebook and Google are biased against him.

“The biggest winner of our new defense bill is the Chinese Communist Party. I will veto it!” Trump tweeted today.