The Supreme Court dismissed the aftereffect of the Texas case

The drama at the Texas Supreme Court ended before it had even opened, as if in a prank, when the court’s nine justices struck down themselves with an easy 7:2, scattering the glow of legal justice that had hung over America for 231 years.

Law is meant to maintain justice, in the vast law and precedent actually is only “meting out justice”, however, let’s take a look at the Supreme Court of the United States is how to reply to four key swing state of Texas election unconstitutional proceedings: “file a complaint with the approval of the request of Texas motion due to does not conform to the provisions of article 3 of the constitution was rejected. Texas has failed to prove that another state has a judicially identifiable interest in the way it conducts elections. All other pending motions were dismissed as having no practical significance.” Hundreds of millions of Americans waited three days for heartening news, only to have it rejected because the plaintiffs did not qualify.

A torrent of evidence, witnesses and videos of voter fraud; There was a groundswell of popular opposition to a stolen election; What is one of the best and most wrenchingly uttered statements about a Texas lawsuit has turned out to be “Article iii of the Constitution”, “unprovable” and “cognizable” by the Justices of the Supreme Court. How do you get the justices to recognize and substantiate it? Is it possible to see the constitution, the foundation of the United States, gently overturned, and the states split apart to begin the civil war? The judges, who wear the crown of law, are playing schoolboy wordplay, and the dignity of the law suddenly falls to the ground. It is not that the justices are not intelligent enough. It is that they are cowardly and selfish, and their inner reluctance to allow them to perform their sacred duties means that they have given up the chance to preserve the Constitution and save the country at the minimum cost.

At its simplest, elections in the United States are a bottom-up, empowering exercise, with each state being an independent voting environment and the 50 states coming together to form a broader community that accepts the results. If a few states do not have the integrity to make the election environment dirty, should other states unconditionally drink the water polluted by those states? The Supreme Court’s claim that Texas failed to show that the defendant’s state election methods affected all the rest of the states was absurd and harmful. No wonder Texas republicans immediately issued an emergency statement, condemning the court baby swing states to ignore the behavior of the constitution, also called on all abide by the constitution of the state together, form a abide by the constitution of the consortium/the United States of America, the move suddenly break the cage, directly shows that the Supreme Court may lead to split ignore fairness and justice.

Law is for a moral man, the Supreme Court’s dereliction of duty underscores the American society is facing a serious crisis, the conflict is upgrading, and restore order price is bigger and bigger, the Supreme Court rejected a report, the pattern of China both sides immediately pour, left media calls, biden and kamala Harris “glorious fortitude” avatar has boarded the time magazine’s annual characters and the coronation preparations have orderly; Pro-trump media outlets have denounced the Supreme Court’s antics and expressed a desire to continue fighting. Right now, millions of people are gathering in Washington, D.C. to continue their solidarity with Trump and not give in to the “electoral coup”.

Perhaps the battle between good and evil that will determine the future of the world is destined to be hard. Every step forward of justice will bring a lot of tribulations, and the tribulations themselves are also creating justice itself, the impetus for justice to move forward and the final glory.