Flu vaccine in short supply? Experts teach you how to manage symptoms and prevent lung disease

Fall and winter are the seasons when influenza and other respiratory infections are prevalent. Especially for the elderly and children with weakened immune systems, the cooler weather makes it easier to get coughs and colds if you’re not careful. These minor ailments, which are common, are especially important in the epidemic environment. This year, due to the impact of the neo-crown epidemic, we hope to get the flu vaccine more than ever, the demand for the vaccine has risen significantly, and even the phenomenon of “hard to get vaccine”.

Professor Lin Lin, director of the respiratory department of the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that the prevention of influenza mainly pay attention to the following five points: first, to improve immunity, pay attention to the cold and warmth; second is to try to eat a light diet, eat less fatty, difficult to digest food; third is to maintain a relaxed mood; fourth is to pay attention to rest, avoid excessive fatigue; fifth is the Chinese medicine health care.

Want to take Chinese medicine to regulate? Wait a minute. Let’s find out what you’re made of.

The following is a list of the most common ways to determine the hot and cold body types.

The hot bottom physical performance is not to eat fried things, once you eat fried things, such as fried peanuts, chili or biscuits, sore throat, dry stool, acne, these people should nourish Yin or clear heat, that is, often said to clear the tonics, both heat and nourish Yin to make up. The cold bottom of the body performance is unable to stand cold things, eating cold, cold food will be bland, diarrhea, cold bottom of the body to warm up.

After identifying your body type, you can choose TCM and its therapies to prevent influenza according to your body type.

Astragalus and ginseng, not everyone can use them as a tonic.

Many Chinese medicines are both herbal and food ingredients. If you are cold, use ingredients that are warm to dispel wind and cold, such as ginger, brown sugar, dried ginger, astragalus, and other ingredients that can replenish and expel cold; if you are hot, use ingredients that clear heat and moisten the lungs, such as mulberry leaves, chrysanthemum, salvia, and maidenhair; and if you are deficient, make up the deficiency, according to the deficiency of qi, blood, yin, and yang to replenish qi, blood, yin, and yang.

Professor Lin Lin added that the most commonly used herbal tonics are bei qi and ginseng, while ginseng is divided into red ginseng, raw ginseng, Korean ginseng and prince ginseng. Red ginseng and Korean ginseng are great tonics, raw ginseng is a middle tonic, Dang ginseng is a clear tonic, and prince ginseng is for children. In short, it is important to use the correct qi tonifying herbs. In addition to replenishing Qi, it is also necessary to replenish Blood, female patients and patients with chronic wasting diseases are prone to Blood deficiency, can eat ginger, brown sugar or red dates, Colla Corii Asini. If blood deficiency is severe, angelica, ginger, mutton, and deer antler are the best medicines to tonify blood. To tonify Yang, mainly for those who are deficient in cold, use ingredients such as dried ginger, possum, cinnamon, baji, cistanche, and eucommia, which are good for tonifying Yang energy. Yin is nourished with better ingredients such as Dendrobium, Lily, Prepared Earth, Sha Shen, and Yu Zhu.

Can fire cupping and moxibustion also prevent the flu?

In addition, some Chinese medical methods such as fire cupping and moxibustion can also play a role in preventing the flu. Fire cupping can get rid of superficial wind and cold such as superficial dampness and heat of the skin and limb meridians, while deep wind and cold such as dampness, heat and wind of the stomach and intestines should be solved by medicine. When cupping, it is important that the skin should not be injured, and that cupping should not be done frequently or excessively, not more than twice a week, otherwise it will injure the righteousness. There are also all the weak people can not cupping fire.

And moxibustion mainly plays a warming role, it has three main aspects, the first is to warm the Yang and pass the pulse, the second is to dispel the cold, and the third is to replenish Yang energy. However, moxibustion is not suitable for damp heat, solid fire, blood deficiency and yin deficiency, otherwise it will aggravate damp heat, drain the body and aggravate yin deficiency and blood deficiency. Only people with cold and yang deficiency are suitable for moxibustion.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) emphasizes the importance of diagnosis and treatment, and if the wrong herbal medicine or therapy is used, it may have the opposite effect, so it is important to choose a treatment plan according to your own situation. Of course, TCM can not only prevent influenza, but also has many ways to treat influenza with remarkable effect.

There are actually thousands of herbal remedies for the flu? How should I choose?

According to statistics, there are thousands of Chinese medicines for the treatment of influenza. Professor Lin Lin said, the treatment of influenza Chinese medicine can be broadly divided into three categories: the first category is to help reduce fever drugs, influenza patients often accompanied by fever, antipyretic drugs is one of the categories; the second category is to improve symptoms of drugs, such as improvement of sore throat, headache, body bone pain; the third category is antiviral drugs, with anti-influenza virus effect.

Some of the proprietary Chinese medicines have a combined effect to fight viruses, reduce fever, and improve flu symptoms. There are seven major symptoms of influenza: fever, chills, muscle aches and pains, gastrointestinal discomfort such as poor appetite, diarrhea and bloating, headache, sore throat and cough. Different medications are chosen for the seven major symptoms, and should be considered comprehensively. It is recommended to choose the most suitable medication for each individual under the guidance of a doctor.

Chinese medicine should not be taken lightly, three points should be noted before taking it.

Professor Lin Lin reminded everyone not to make the mistake of thinking that Chinese medicine can be taken casually, and clearly told that Chinese medicine can also have side effects, especially if it is used improperly.

The first is to pay attention to the toxic components of the drug. The first is to read the instructions before taking the drug to see if there are any toxic or addictive components, and if there are any, they can only be taken for a short period of time; secondly, to see if the toxic components are liver or kidney toxins, and choose according to your own liver and kidney conditions. The second thing to do is to see if there are any allergic ingredients on the drug instructions. Some people are allergic or allergic to certain ingredients, so they can’t use allergen-containing drugs. The third is to pay attention to the right medication. The medication is not right reflected in adverse reactions, such as hot patients eating warm patent medicines, which will produce sore throats, dry mouth, bitter mouth, bowel movements and other adverse reactions. If a person with a cold bottom takes a heat-clearing proprietary Chinese medicine, he or she will have diarrhea, which will worsen his or her condition.

Once again, we are reminded that the wrong medication is prone to various adverse reactions. Before taking any drug, be sure to read the instructions in detail to understand the composition, efficacy, adverse reactions, suitable for people, contraindications and so on.