“East rise and fall” a pillow of yellow sorghum, the end of the road can be expected to run wild

To this day, there are still three or two Western academics who have full confidence in the Chinese Communist Party’s “China model” and the “East is rising, West is falling”, and these people confuse the public and carry the sedan chair for the Chinese Communist Party in the Western world.

In order to look into the future, we must first gain insight into history. If we understand these reasons and see if these factors are still present today, we can foresee the future fate of the CCP.

The most important starting point for the Communist Party’s resurgence was Deng Xiaoping’s reform and opening up. When China was on the verge of collapse after the Cultural Revolution, Deng Xiaoping advocated adjusting the national policy, “hiding the light and raising the obscurity”, kowtowing to the West for help, abandoning the socialist planned economy and introducing the capitalist market economy. The Chinese people came back from the dead, and everyone was amnestied and threw themselves into the flood of commodity economy.

In order to take off economically, the CCP had to give up its ideological dictatorship, first introducing films and literature from Hong Kong and Taiwan, and then introducing contemporary Western thinking, and opening up the cultural market in the mainland, suppressing the Party’s nature and highlighting its humanity. The cultural opening injected life into the market.

To win Western aid, Deng Xiaoping took the initiative to befriend the United States. To curry favor with the United States, he even started a war on the Sino-Vietnamese border. Deng Xiaoping’s visit to the U.S. requested the dispatch of Chinese students, opening the door to the introduction and theft of modern Western technology.

At the same time, globalization was launched and China opened its doors to attract foreign investment with preferential policies because of the benefits. On the one hand, it absorbed Western capital and management experience, on the other hand, it trained modern workers to increase employment, and on the third hand, it started with foundry work and fully participated in the globalization trend.

Learning from the successful experience of foreign countries, Chinese Communist Party cadres started with capital investment, opening up power plants, highways and bridges to lay the foundation for economic take-off. Later on, they developed high-speed railways, subways, airports, and real estate, using investment to boost the economy and expand employment, and the people had their first taste of economic success.

After the economic foundation was solid, the CCP vigorously developed foreign trade, and through the United States’ granting of most-favored-nation status and accession to the WTO, the CCP took advantage of foreign trade and made a lot of money in foreign currency, and then used the profits to make new investments, so it became prosperous.

In order to encourage grassroots officials, the CCP tacitly approved corruption in disguise, and used GDP as a performance assessment to promote competition at the county and city levels. Seeing money, grassroots officials pulled in investments, infrastructure, and increased revenue for personal gain, and the grassroots economy was then in full swing.

While the economy was opening up, the CCP kept sending out signals of political reform, and the setback of the 1989 pro-democracy movement soon restored the West’s trust. The West’s expectation of the CCP’s political reforms, which maintained a forty-year-long Sino-foreign rapprochement, bought time for the CCP.

First, the state policy of opening up, second, ideological relaxation, third, good Sino-US relations, fourth, the benefits of globalization, fifth, investment in infrastructure, sixth, foreign trade taking advantage, seventh, tacit approval of corruption, and eighth, the lie of political reform. There may be other factors, but the above eight are the main ones.

After years of smooth sailing, the Chinese Communist Party began to expand externally, and since Xi Jinping came to power he has become even more ambitious and reckless. Since Trump’s flip-flop, U.S.-China relations have worsened and conflicts have increased, and the CCP has made enemies on all sides with war-wolf diplomacy, sowing irreparable evil.

In today’s view, first, the state policy of opening up has long been reversed, and high technology is strictly controlling the private sector; second, ideology has returned to the Cultural Revolution, and society and culture are in a pool of stagnant water; third, relations between the CCP and the West have deteriorated comprehensively, and China and foreign countries have become a situation of decoupling; fourth, the epidemic has led to the restructuring of the supply chain, and globalization is ebbing; fifth, infrastructure construction is nearly saturated, and the investment drive is unsustainable; sixth, foreign trade has suffered a decline as a result of the war-wolf diplomacy; seventh, the Xi Jinping is fighting corruption to maintain stability, and a large number of officials at all levels are lying flat; eight, the political reform lies are broken, and the West sees the CCP as the great enemy of universal values, from competition to confrontation.

In addition, in recent years, the Chinese Communist Party has carried out ethnic extermination in Xinjiang, trampled on the rule of law in Hong Kong, and insisted on the threat of force in Taiwan, revealing the true face of its dictatorship. After 40 years of economic growth based on various advantages, the country has lost these advantages, and the people are retreating, politically oppressive, financially embarrassed, technologically decoupled, and culturally dead, so that not only is high growth an empty word, but the trend of regression is irreversible.

On the contrary, the West has awakened from decades of ignorance due to the threat of the Chinese Communist Party. Western countries have initiated diplomatic and military confrontations with the CCP, and there is no trend of improving relations.

East is rising and West is falling? Global governance? The situation is completely reversed, and the only way for the CCP to defend itself is to turn the attack into an internal cycle of self-importance.

Those political brokers who claim that the CCP will dominate the world are just talking nonsense after taking political ecstasy. The reality is cruel, the confrontation between China and the West has become the trend, from competition to cold war, will it develop from cold war to hot war? If the Chinese Communist Party is the enemy of the entire Western camp, it will be a bad luck situation. Global domination? Dreams are not so early!