What happens when you don’t sleep through the night continuously?

Many people have shared the damage caused by staying up late for a long time in their bodies from the perspective of their real experiences. At this time, it is the graduation season, and there should be many people staying up late to write papers and stay up for final exams month.

As a person who has been through this, but also has to make a guest appearance from time to time after the clinical guest appearance under the academic dog, this article through the existing research will be these late night behind the injury summary.

Is the limit of staying up late directly causing death?

There is an appalling sleep deprivation experiment on the Internet, in which scientists locked five subjects recruited from prisons in a transparent and closed cabin and released “Nicholas gas” into them continuously. “to keep them awake for a long time.

At first the five subjects did not show any difference, but by the fifth day, the continuous sleep deprivation made them become negative and negative, the content of the conversation also became pessimistic, and by the ninth day, the situation obviously began to deteriorate, shouting frantically into the microphone inside the house, emitting heartbreaking shouts, but at this time his companions were indifferent, and even tore off page after page of books with excrement neatly taped to the Originally used for observation on the one-way glass window, and then the sound stopped.

By the fifteenth day, the scientists replaced the Nicholas gas in the house with fresh air and opened the door, and the sight before them was shocking – one experimenter was dead and bloody, and the remaining four were covered with wounds from self-harm.

Army personnel immediately went forward to take away the subjects, but met with very fierce resistance, and finally sacrificed five soldiers o send them to the nearest military medical.

But in fact, the whole incident actually came from a horror website story, the picture is also a prop production company in 2005 when the Halloween launch of the mannequin with a black and white filter. The story hit the Internet around 2010 and went viral.

Although the story is false, but still thought-provoking enough – sleep is really that important? How long will people die without sleep?

The Guinness Book of Records for the longest stay up is Randy Gardner – a 17-year-old high school student who lasted 264.4 hours over Christmas break in 1964, or 11 full days and 24 minutes without sleep.

But the challenge posed a serious threat to human health, so Guinness later shut down the project to avoid life-threatening situations for subsequent challengers. So 11 days has become the longest known human stay up record.

In other words, there is no evidence that staying up late can directly cause human death, but that doesn’t mean there is no harm, let alone that it won’t indirectly become a causative factor.

What happens to the body when you stay up late for long periods of time?What happens when you don’t sleep for 24 hours?

It’s not uncommon to miss 24 hours of sleep. You may have stayed up all night for work, improvised for an exam, or taken care of a sick child. While staying up late can be uncomfortable, it does not have a significant impact on your overall health. When you haven’t slept for 24 hours according to a study published in the International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health this is the equivalent of 0.10% alcohol in your blood at this time [1]. Your brain becomes sensitive and at first you may feel briefly hyperactive with symptoms such as increased heart rate and irritability due to sleep deprivation stimulating a large production of dopamine [2], a compensatory mechanism initiated by the body, in addition to altered perception of impaired judgment.

If you have a chance to rest at this time, these symptoms usually disappear after you close your eyes.

What happens after 36 hours of no sleep?

Not sleeping for 36 hours can have a strong effect on your body. Your sleep-wake cycle helps regulate the release of certain hormones, including cortisol, insulin and growth hormone. As a result, staying awake for long periods of time can alter some of your body’s functions. This includes your appetite, metabolism, temperature regulation, and emotional control.

The effects of not sleeping for 36 hours include extreme fatigue, hormone disruption, loss of enthusiasm, decreased concentration, and decreased reasoning ability, which do not occur in sequence and may occur simultaneously depending on individual variability [3].

What happens when you don’t sleep for 48 hours?

After two consecutive nights without sleep, most people have difficulty staying awake. They may experience a light sleep that lasts 30 seconds. This is known medically as microepisodes of sleep [4][5], when the body is very tired and in a state of disorientation. During these “microsleeps”, the brain is in a sleep-like state. Short periods of drowsiness occur unconsciously. After microsleep, you may feel confused or disoriented, which is dangerous for people at work.

During these “microsleeps”, the brain is in a sleep-like state. Short periods of drowsiness occur unconsciously. After microsleep, you may feel confused or disoriented.

Not sleeping for 48 hours can also damage the immune system. Inflammatory markers that help your body prevent and treat disease begin to rise. Some studies show that natural killer (NK) cell activity decreases with sleep deprivation.

What happens after 72 hours of no sleep?

After 72 hours without sleep, most people experience a strong desire to sleep. Many people are unable to stay awake on their own. Three consecutive days without sleep can severely limit a person’s ability to think, especially when multitasking, recalling details and tasks that require concentration. This level of sleep deprivation can make it difficult to complete even simple tasks.

Emotions can also be affected. People who experience this level of sleep deprivation are easily irritable. They may feel depressed, anxious or paranoid.

Finally, several days of sleep deprivation in a row can significantly alter perception. You may experience mental disturbances such as trance or even hallucinations [6].

What can good sleep bring?

  1. Sleep-deprived people have a greater appetite and tend to consume more calories, disrupting fluctuations in appetite hormones and leading to poor appetite regulation, including increased levels of appetite-stimulating gastrin and decreased levels of appetite-suppressing leptin [7].
  2. good sleep improves concentration and productivity, and it maximizes exercise performance.
  3. People who do not sleep well are at greater risk for heart disease and stroke. Sleep quality and duration have a significant impact on many health risk factors, including chronic diseases such as heart disease.
  4. sleep affects glucose metabolism and the risk of type 2 diabetes, and experimental sleep restriction has been shown to affect blood glucose and reduce insulin sensitivity [8].
  5. Sleep is good for your immune function. One study monitored that people who slept less than seven hours were nearly three times more likely to get a cold than those who slept more than eight hours [9]. If you have frequent colds, it is helpful to ensure that you get at least 8 hours of sleep each night; in addition, lack of sleep activates poor inflammatory markers that cause cellular damage. Sleep deprivation is strongly associated with long-term inflammation of the digestive tract. Studies have found that Crohn’s disease patients who are sleep deprived are twice as likely to relapse as those who sleep well [10].

So, it is better to try not to stay up late.