Han Xin, the soldier immortal, shines in history, and the Chinese Communist Party criticizes him as “reactionary”

After the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, in order to completely brainwash the Chinese people and make them think in terms of the Party’s culture and view all issues, they began to systematically destroy Chinese culture, the most violent of which were the “Anti-Rightist” and “Cultural Revolution” campaigns. During these campaigns, not only were intellectuals who were responsible for the transmission of Chinese civilization persecuted to death, their backbones were bent, and a large number of cultural relics were destroyed, but the history of Chinese civilization was also distorted, and many figures who shone in the 5,000 years of Chinese history were distorted and criticized by the Chinese Communist Party using “class analysis”, including Laozi, Confucius, Sakyamuni, Qin Shi Huang, Tang Tai Zong, and others. These figures include Laozi, Confucius, Sakyamuni, Qin Shi Huang, Tang Taizong, Cao Cao, Han Xin, Wang Yangming, Pao Gong and other saints, successive emperors, sages and famous ministers, and so on. This article is about Han Xin, a highly decorated person in the Han Dynasty.

In Chinese history, Han Xin was the most dazzling general star, who was well versed in military tactics and strategies, and who had not even lost a single battle in his campaigns. It was thanks to his military prowess that Liu Bang was able to defeat Xiang Yu and win the world. Han Xin was undoubtedly the first minister of the Han Dynasty, and he was praised by the people of the Chu and Han dynasties as “a national warrior without equal” and “a man of unparalleled merit and unparalleled strategy”, and later generations also praised him as “the god of war” and “the immortal of war”. “The God of War” and “The Immortal of War”.

Han Xin’s fight in the Han Dynasty

History records that when he was a young man, Han Xin had a different mind, and there is a story about him enduring the humiliation of his crotch. The story is that he was once walking on the street when a young man saw him down and out, but with a stout figure and a sword at his waist, he stopped the street and provoked him by saying, “If you have the guts, come and kill me; if you don’t have the guts to kill me, just drill through my crotch.” Han Xin examined him for a moment, and then he really drilled through his crotch. The crowd laughed, thinking that Han Xin was a coward, but in fact, it just showed that Han Xin had a remarkable heart of great patience. When Han Xin returned home after his success, he gave the man who had insulted him a military position.

Later, when the world rose up at the end of the Qin Dynasty, Han Xin followed Xiang Liang and then Xiang Yu, both of whom were not reappointed. After Liu Bang, the king of Han, entered Shu, Han Xin turned to follow him. Because he did not have any reputation, he only worked as a small official to receive guests.

During this period, Han Xin had a conversation with Xiao He, an important minister of Liu Bang, who thought he was a genius and recommended him to Liu Bang many times, but Liu Bang did not think so. Seeing that he could not be reappointed, Han Xin took advantage of the chaos and fled. When Xiao He heard that Han Xin had escaped, he did not have time to report to Liu Bang and went after him personally to recover him. Liu Bang was very puzzled by Xiao He’s action, but Xiao He told him that Han Xin was the only one who could help him fight for the world, because there was no other outstanding person like Han Xin under the sky.

So Liu Bang listened to Xiao He’s advice, chose an auspicious day, fasted personally, and set up a high altar and square to worship Han Xin as the great general. The story of “Xiao He chasing Han Xin under the moon” became a good story for ages.

After being appointed as the great general, Han Xin discussed the world with the king of Han, pointing out Xiang Yu’s weaknesses and Liu Bang’s strengths, and Liu Bang was so impressed by his eloquence that he listened to Han Xin’s plans.

Han Xin’s excellent and peculiar military skills were reflected in several major battles, one of which was the Battle of Well Defile. In order to attack Zhao, Han Xin and Zhang Er led hundreds of thousands of men and horses who had to break through the well defile. On the one hand, Han Xin formed a duel with the Zhao army with the water at his back; on the other hand, he sent light cavalry to raid Zhao’s main camp, pulling down the flag and replacing it with the flag of the great Han army. When the Zhao army was ready to return to the camp, they found that the flag had been changed and thought that the Han army had completely captured the Zhao camp, so they were in disarray. After defeating the Zhao army, Han Xin treated his opponent’s strategist, Guang Wujun, with courtesy and subdued Zhao and Yan.

Another battle was the Battle of Weishui with the allied forces of Chu and Qi. Because the enemy army was so strong, Han Xin had tens of thousands of leather bags filled with yellow sand made and blocked the river overnight, while he led his troops across the river to attack the enemy. As the enemy army was chasing them across the river, Han Xin’s troops pierced the pouches and the sand was lost and the river flowed again, cutting the enemy army into two.

Of course, the most famous one is the Battle of Gaixia, which forced Xiang Yu to commit suicide and left behind such allusions as “Song of Chu on All Sides” and “Ambush on Ten Sides”.

It was under the leadership of Han Xin that the Han army was victorious. Some people advised him to divide the world with Chu and Han, but Han Xin did not want to abandon Liu Bang, believing that the King of Han was very generous to him and he could not betray his trust for personal gain.

Han Xin was killed when the rabbit died and the dog was cooked

After the Han Dynasty was officially established, Gaozu Liu Bang started to divide the kings with different surnames and made Han Xin, the king of Qi, the king of Chu and built his capital in Xiapi. He said at the banquet of his ministers why he won the world: “I am no better than Zhang Zifang (Zhang Liang) in planning a tent, or Xiao He in guarding the country, pacifying the people, supplying food and making sure the road to transport food is not blocked; I am no better than Han Xin in leading millions of troops, winning battles and taking attacks. These three men were handsome among men, but I was able to use them, and that is why I was able to gain the world.”

However, Liu Bang, who had gained the world, was suspicious of Han Xin, fearing that he was plotting rebellion, so Han Xin was deported one after another, and was eventually tricked into the palace by Queen Lu and killed. Han Xin once lamented: “If people say, ‘a cunning rabbit dies, a good dog is cooked; a high bird is exhausted, a good bow is hidden; an enemy country is broken, a strategist dies. The kingdom has been settled, I should certainly be a success.” These words of Han Xin are the best commentary on Liu Bang’s killing of meritorious officials.

In addition to his military prowess, Han Xin is also said to have invented or created the Chinese chess game in his honor. The terms “Chu River” and “Han Border” in Xiangqi have been used until today. In addition, the Song Dynasty’s “Chronicle of Things” records that he used kites to measure distance, and that he wrote three articles on the art of war, which have unfortunately been lost.

Undoubtedly, Han Xin’s life was an extraordinary one. His great patience, faithfulness, and the virtue of knowing how to repay, all illustrate what it means to be a great man who stands tall and deserves the admiration of future generations.

The Chinese Communist Party criticizes Han Xin as an “ambitious man”

In July 1973, Mao Zedong said in a conversation with Wang Hongwen and Zhang Chunqiao that Lin Biao, like the Kuomintang, was “respecting Confucius and opposing the law”. Mao also believed that Legalism was moving forward in history, while Confucianism was moving backwards. Lin Biao was once called a “contemporary Han Xin” by Chiang Kai-shek, and Han Xin was then criticized.

On June 14, 1974, Jiang Qing delivered a speech at the “Criticism of Lin and Confucius” symposium, setting the tone for the massive criticism that followed. In his speech, Jiang Qing praised Han Gaozu Liu Bang and Empress Lu, saying that they followed the legalist line and that killing Han Xin “broke the back”.

According to Jiang Qing’s tune, a large number of articles criticizing Han Xin appeared in the society. For example, in an article criticizing the Peking Opera “Xiao He Chases Han Xin Under the Moon”, “Is he the “hero” who “raised Han and destroyed Chu” or is he the culprit of the restoration and retrogression”, it was stated that “heroes have class” and “class determines the face of a hero”. “Han Xin was the son of a decadent Korean nobleman, and from the process of his defection to Xiang Yu and Liu Bang, he was “a lucrative official fan”; moreover, from the day he ascended the throne, he had “the ambition to divide the He had “ambitions to divide the country” from the day he ascended the throne. As for Han Xin’s ability to win battles, it was “inseparable from Liu Bang’s correct line” and “inseparable from the material support of Xiao He and Queen Lu”.

Another article criticizing the Peking opera “The Beheading of Han Xin”, “To suppress ambitious people who engage in intrigue and trickery”, says: “This opera, which seeks to redress Han Xin’s grievances, is designed to meet the political needs of the reactionary ruling class, which respects Confucianism and opposes the law”, while the article also praises Liu Bang and Empress Lu, saying that “Confucianists will do anything to discredit The article also praised Liu Bang and Empress Lu, saying that “Confucianists would do anything to discredit the legalist figures” and belittled Han Xin as “opportunistic” and “ambitious”. Since they were “ambitious”, Liu Bang and Empress Lu were “well killed”. The article further alleges that some people in the Communist Party have used the play to “launch an attack on the dictatorship of the proletariat”, thus concluding that “theater has always been a tool for class struggle and line struggle.

There are many other similar criticisms, so I will not list them all.


It is outrageous that Han Xin, who was skilled in tactics and loyal to his country, has been distorted by the CCP, and the consequence is that many Chinese people have believed the CCP’s lies and have become suspicious of, or even negative about, such a glorious figure in history, rather than being proud of him. By discrediting outstanding historical figures step by step, the CCP has achieved its ultimate goal of brainwashing.