Money leopard found twice in 20 days in Xianyang, Shaanxi Province, causing public concern

The money leopard, a national-level protected animal, appeared twice in a row in May in Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province, spotted by tourists and villagers respectively. The presence of the magnificent leopard has worried netizens, many of whom have linked the incident to the Hangzhou Wildlife World leopard exodus that has not been searched for more than 50 days.

The Penghuang News reported that at 7:30 p.m. on May 27, a villager met a leopard while driving cattle in Shimen Village, Qingtai Town, Xanyi County, Xianyang, Shaanxi Province, and left after taking out his cell phone to shoot a video.

The expert identified that it was a magnificent-sized money leopard, a national-level protected animal.

As early as May 7, a tourist in Shaanxi also photographed the leopard. He was driving in Xunyi County, Xianyang, when a leopard suddenly came out of the bushes on the left side of the car, crossed the tourist road of about 6 meters, walked into the bushes on the right side of the car and stayed there.

According to Shaanxi TV news, the leopard also appeared in Xunyi County in May last year, and the size of the leopard captured then was smaller than that of this year.

On April 19 this year, three money leopards escaped from Hangzhou Wildlife World, but Wildlife World kept the incident under wraps, but it eventually came to light and the incident panicked the people of Hangzhou.

Up to now, only 2 of the escaped money leopards have been found. The third untracked leopard has been on the run for more than 40 days, and searchers have no clue as to its whereabouts, and even veteran local hunters are at their wits’ end.

Now rumors of a succession of money leopards in Xianyang, Shaanxi Province, have once again caused netizens to comment, most of them linking the ear to the fugitive money leopard in Hangzhou, with no shortage of mocking comments.

“Hangzhou Safari Park can say that the leopard has escaped to Shaanxi, we do not care.”

“There is still a leopard in Hangzhou that has not been caught, and now it has finally been found.”

Some netizens also said, “This may be a lost mastodon from a nearby zoo,” “Is it down to forage for food,” “Be careful of friends who climb mountains,” “Beware of mastodons”.

“My God, if people encounter these fierce leopards at close range, what to do? I don’t even dare to go to the mountains in the future, it’s too dangerous!”