Shi Zhengli, a researcher at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virus Research, and others have been endorsing the natural origin theory of the Chinese communist virus (SARS-CoV-2), but have been questioned for falsifying evidence and covering up the truth. Three unpublished doctoral and master’s theses from the Wuhan Institute of Virus were exposed recently, and their contents are clearly inconsistent with the institute’s public claims.
On May 13, an anonymous scientist account on Twitter, which often breaks sensational content, revealed three unpublished theses from the WuXi Institute. The papers, written in Chinese, include a PhD thesis and two master’s theses, defended in 2014, 2017 and 2019.
On May 14, the French newspaper Le Monde published an article analyzing the many suspicions in these theses. The newspaper cited an analysis by experts who pointed out that the content of the theses seems to contradict several previous statements by the WVI, raising doubts about certain data previously taken for granted by the international scientific community, including the number and nature of coronaviruses kept by the WVI, the experiments conducted on these viruses, and the integrity of the genetic sequences of the viruses published by it.
One of these contradictions concerns the sequence of the so-called RaTG13 virus, published by VuV, a bat virus whose gene sequence is “96.2% homologous to SARS-CoV-2,” according to researchers in a paper published in the British journal Nature in February 2020.
A few weeks after the paper was published, an Italian microbiologist reported that a small part of the RaTG13 genome had already been published by Wuhan researchers in 2016, but it was not called RaTG13 at that time, but Ra4991. In July 2020, in an interview with the American journal Science, Zhengli Shi also claimed that this was the same virus, only renamed in 2020 as RaTG13 now.
However, experts found that among the three papers mentioned above, the sequence of Ra4991 virus had been used in the one defended in 2019, but it was not exactly the same as the sequence of RaTG13 published in 2020.
As to why there are differences between sequences that are supposed to be identical, the WVL did not respond to a request for comment from Le Monde.
U.S.-based commentator Qin Peng pointed out in a tweet that this could indicate that the RaTG13 sequence was deliberately fabricated by Zhengli Shi and others to deceive the world.
Covid-19 traceability: Three graduate student papers from the WuXi Institute were disclosed, and the suspicion of a lab accident grew even stronger
The paper shows that the sequence of the so-called RaTG13 virus published by Shi Zhengli in 2020 is suspected to be faked, which means that the real sequence of the virus they discovered is not the one published by Shi Zhengli, and that the Chinese Communist Party made up a fake sequence in order to deceive the world. This is a heavy discovery.
- Qin Peng (@shijianxingzou) May 28, 2021
Earlier, Yan Limeng, a Chinese virologist living in exile in the United States, also said that the sequences of viruses such as RaTG13 were fabricated by the Chinese Communist Party to promote the “natural origin of viruses”.
The newspaper Le Monde quoted experts as saying that the integrity of the RaTG13 sequence is at the heart of many questions. The scientific community has long demanded that the institute explain how they obtained the complete sequence of RaTG13 because the original data released by VIV was insufficient to reconstruct the genome. However, MUIS claims that they no longer have the corresponding biological samples, so it is impossible to reproduce the sequencing effort.
The Institute had claimed that RaTG13 was collected in 2013 from an abandoned mine in Mojiang, Yunnan Province, which was infested with bats. And public reports indicate that six workers at the mine had contracted a lung disease in the spring of 2012 with symptoms similar to SARS or Chinese Communist pneumonia, and three of them died.
In November 2020, under public pressure, WVU published an article in Nature that they had received and analyzed 13 blood samples from four sick workers at the Mojiang mine in 2012, but did not detect any signs of coronavirus infection.
However, the aforementioned master’s thesis, defended in 2014, mentions that at that time, the WVU received not 13 but 30 samples, and all of them were analyzed.
Of the three aforementioned theses, the 2017 PhD thesis is the most technically advanced, in which it describes how different coronaviruses were grafted and modified using chimeric virus construction techniques to test the infectivity of different coronaviruses on human or animal cells.
The Chinese Communist Party has been accused of using deadly viruses to create biological weapons for years. There is now growing international suspicion that the CCP virus was leaked from the WVII laboratory, and calls for a thorough investigation are rising.
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