The pro-Biden steel unions are now pleading with Biden not to end Trump’s tariffs on foreign steel.

The Gateway Pundit reported on May 21 that President Trump is one of the best U.S. presidents for workers and labor in many years. Protecting the interests of American workers and bringing jobs back to America is at the heart of Trump’s campaign and presidency. However, the largest steelworkers union in the United States has for some reason decided to endorse Biden in the 2020 election. Now, this union is pleading with Biden to keep Trump’s tariffs on foreign steel in place.

Reuters reports that various groups in the U.S. steel industry and the United Steelworkers union, urged Biden on Wednesday to keep the steel tariffs imposed by the Trump administration three years ago, saying that removing them now would hurt the industry’s viability.

Just days after Biden’s chief trade negotiator reached a temporary tariff truce with the European Union, the groups said in a letter to Biden that the Section 232 national security tariffs imposed by former President Trump were a success, leading to $15.7 billion in new capacity investment.

Back in October 2020, the union projected an image of the Biden-Harris logo onto a Trump Tower injury in Chicago. Now, they are begging Biden to keep Trump’s policies intact.