AXA Asia subsidiary hacked, IT operations affected in 4 locations in Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines

French insurer AXA Group confirmed on Sunday (16) that its Asian subsidiary Asia Assistance was recently hit by a ransomware attack that affected its IT operations in Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines.

AXA Partners issued a statement saying that some data processed by Inter Partners Asia in Thailand had been accessed; the group has set up an independent working group to investigate the incident, stressing that AXA attaches great importance to protecting the privacy of its customers and that once the working group confirms that the sensitive information of any person has been affected, it will immediately notify the affected customers and provide support. The group has set up an independent working group to investigate the incident.

The British media reported that hackers used the ransomware Avaddon to steal up to 3 terabytes of data from AXA’s Asian subsidiaries on Saturday (15), information that could involve personal identity cards, passports, bank and medical documents, etc.