Concealing the Leopard Phenomenon: Blocking the Fleeing Money Leopard

Why are so many people so angry about the leopard?

On May 1, some villagers saw “a leopard, many people have seen “

The zoo said there was no leopard.

Later people found the leopard, the zoo said there was a leopard

Later on, people asked, said that there are three leopards running in the pursuit (at this moment, at least 7 days have passed, and there is no rest garden and active notice)

It was the 1st-7th of May, when people were very busy, and leopards are hungry and can hurt people.

On May 8th, it was announced that “the leopard was found and killed by a dog. “

Many people found many hounds and dogs in the search and rescue team

A few minutes later, a media disinformation: “leopard was found dead ” – the microblog was later deleted

CCTV and the local notification: “not dead, Hee not rumors, or fruit negative “

Tianmu news release: the dog did not bite the leopard, is the leopard bite the dog

Someone found the video leopard and captured leopard is not the same leopard

The announcement has been anesthetized the leopard, perfect, but some people found the leopard legs have injuries or missing.

Under several rounds of true and false, people are a little annoyed, see the matter as “concealed leopard phenomenon “

The third leopard is still not found, the matter continues to ferment, the key point is no longer the leopard, but “how many more lies will be told “

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

@haonan:#Hangzhou money leopard escape #Helicopter out to search for the third leopard

The “Hangzhou Red Cross Wolf Pack Rescue Team Long Sheep Hunter Detachment” is now deeply involved in the public opinion. ” to add some facts.

This team was established in September 2017, and the first batch of members are all local veteran hunters. The incident took place in Huanggongwang Forest Park, which is, you guessed it, the place where the Fuchun mountains were painted. Fuyang is supposed to be mountainous, and Long Yang Mountain, where the Dragon Sheep team is located, is infested with wild boars. Every year, 4 or 50 wild boars have to be trapped and killed during the hunting season to maintain a stable population of wild boars and protect the farmers. Therefore, a special hunting team was established in 1998, with party members taking the lead, practicing marksmanship and taming hunting dogs during the week, and hunting wild boars during the hunting season. The hunting guns are strictly kept by the hunting team and all others are surrendered. The conflict between man and beast is still prominent, so local farmers will put boar clips to protect their crops, but these boar clips will also clip people and are difficult to take off. Plus from time to time, old people get lost in the mountains. These hunters with at least 20 years of experience and familiarity with the mountains then set up a rescue team in 2017 to patrol the mountains daily, remove wild boar traps, rescue people caught in them, find lost elderly people, remove hornets’ nests, and cull wild dogs. The average age of the team members is 45 years old, and the captain is a 54-year-old party member and sharpshooter Jin Hongjiang.

At first, the Long Yang Hunter Rescue Team was registered in the district and built independently. in May 2020, Long Yang Hunter Rescue Team officially became a branch of Hangzhou Red Cross Wolf Pack Rescue Team with the support of Fuyang Red Cross Association, town government and Fuyang Red Cross Wolf Pack Rescue Team. The Fuyang Red Cross Wolf Pack Rescue Team is a private rescue team that has emerged in recent years. 2018 Beichuan National Rescue Team City Search Skills Competition took first place as a dark horse, and in 2019 the Ministry of Emergency Management National Social Emergency Response Force Skills Competition also became one of the 27 teams (9 city search teams) shortlisted for the final round. In addition to urban search and water rescue, Wolf Pack Rescue Team added three helicopters last year and established a search and rescue dog detachment this year (separate from the Long Yang rescue detachment’s hounds). There are a lot of cases in which Wolf Pack Rescue Team has participated in rescue, so you can search for yourself if you are interested.

Combined with the understanding of the domestic social rescue team, I will talk about my personal views.

This incident has exposed some problems of the Dragon Sheep Rescue Team. First of all, for the protection of animal search and capture action is not strong planning, lack of analysis and analysis of the task, but also along some of the old ideas, old ways of rounding up wild boar, for the purpose of rounding up and the selection of hounds there is a miscalculation. Secondly, there is a lack of public communication, two interviewed team members expressed both obvious factual errors, and also exposed the inadequate synchronization of information within the team. In addition, there was insufficient collaboration with relevant authorities and failure to act with zoo employees who have more specialized response capabilities.

Essentially, it is a grassroots rescue team that lacks a modern rescue team management system.

But internet opinion is still too harsh on this private rescue team.

Search and seizure of lost beasts is a collaborative action of multiple teams, in Fuyang can have a certain experience and ability of the team has been rare. At that time the primary purpose is to find the lost beast as soon as possible, to avoid losses to the masses. There were a lot of random factors to determine which team could find the leopard. The Dragon Sheep team also had the advantage of their ability to be familiar with the local environment and tracking ability stronger than other teams. Requiring a town-level territorial team to have modern feline disposal capabilities is beyond the scope of daily operations, and there is no dedicated financial support and capacity building.

At the same time, the Dragon Sheep team is a volunteer team, usually generating electricity with love, on call when needed, and survival is not easy enough. They can completely not take great risks to participate in this operation also do not need to take any responsibility. This kind of initiative and dedication, even if there is a lack of capacity, need to summarize the reflection, should not attract such extreme ridicule and abuse.

The root solution lies in institution building. The responsibility for lost animals and captures lies with the zoo. Please don’t lose sight of the point. Social emergency teams, as auxiliary forces, should have more resources and support from the government and society on a day-to-day basis in order to increase the level of competence. What we need to do is not to beat them to death at the first sign of trouble when their capabilities are not yet perfect and need to be developed. Such a team is scolded and disbanded, and the problems previously solved by them no longer exist? Their accomplishments are written off? Remember, this is a group of ordinary citizens who have made a lot of contributions and are brave enough to take social responsibility, the theory of heartbreak can stop.

As for the Fuyang Red Cross Wolf Rescue Team, it should not be directly related to the incident in the video, and the search and rescue dogs they trained are not capable of subduing fierce animals. The Red Cross also has nothing to do with this matter. Don’t get it wrong.

Finally, an unverified piece of information: some experts say that the lost one is not a money leopard, but a jaguar. The jaguar has no wild distribution in China and is not a national protected animal, CITES Appendix I is listed as IUCN low risk.

If this is true, you Hangzhou Safari Park even lost what animal are unable to figure out what business level this is?