Powell Statement: For We the People: Expose All the Fraud I Can Discover

President Donald Trump’s (Trump) legal team announced that Sidney Powell is no longer an attorney on Trump’s legal team. Powell later released a statement saying that he agrees with the team’s announcement and will continue to be a voice for the American people, exposing evidence of the theft of election gains by Democrats and Communists both here and abroad.

On Monday, former U.S. National Security Advisor Michael Flynn tweeted Powell’s statement to “We the People”. The following is a translation of the full statement.

I agree with the campaign’s statement that I am not part of the legal team. I have never signed an employment agreement, nor have I ever sent the President or the campaign a bill for my expenses.

All I’ve ever wanted to do is expose all the fraud I could find, regardless of the consequences – whether Republican or Democrat.

The evidence I have gathered is strong enough to prove that this software tool (Dominion) was used to transfer millions of votes from President Trump and other Republican candidates to Biden and other Democrat candidates. We are working on preparing our lawsuit and plan to file it this week. This is going to be epic.

We will not allow this great republic to be stolen by communists from outside and within, nor will we allow our votes to be tampered with and manipulated by foreign actors in places like Hong Kong, Iran, Venezuela and Serbia who have no respect for life or for the engine of this extraordinary nation, the people.

We the people have chosen Donald Trump and other Republican candidates to reshape the vision of America as a place of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

You can help by joining together at www.DefendingTheRepublic.org上非免税捐款.

KrakenOnSteroids (#KrakenOnSteroids)

Sidney Powell

Last Sunday afternoon (22nd), Rudy Giuliani, the head of the Trump campaign’s legal team, issued a statement saying, “Powell is pursuing legal action independently, and she is not a member of the Trump legal team, nor is she the President’s personal attorney.”

Afterwards, Powell first issued a statement to CBS saying, “I understand today’s press conference. I will continue to be a voice for our people, Dominion and Smartmatic stole the votes of those who voted for Trump and other Republicans, and we will be filing a lawsuit shortly. No matter what, we will protect what this great republic was founded on.”

President Trump’s other lawyer, Lin Wood, tweeted the same day, “Powell and I have more in common than we have differences. We are fighting on different legal battlefields, for the same client – We the People. The people overwhelmingly voted for re-elected President Trump.”