Powell: 7 million votes stolen from Trump

According to a November 20 “Gateway Pundit” report, Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell conducted a lengthy interview on Friday’s Howie Carr Show about the 2020 election and where Trump’s legal team stands today.

In this explosive interview, Sidney claimed that millions of dead people (i.e., Democrats) may have voted this year and that 7 million votes may have been stolen from President Trump.

If this is true, it means that President Trump received more than 80 million votes, nearly 20 million more than in 2016. President Trump’s total number of votes is now 73.75 million.

Here are some excerpts from the interview.

▪There are a lot of smoking guns (in the hands of lawyers) and a lot of witnesses who are going to need federal protection, and we may have to get witness protection for them.

▪ Three million dead people (Democrats) voted.

▪There will be a lot of evidence of fraud taken to court next week. We have more evidence coming out every day. (The ways in which fraud is being discovered) is only going to get worse.

Fraud is very widespread, very deliberate, and backed by strong financial backing.

Very many people have tried to stop me from exposing it.

▪I think the fraud was done far beyond just President Trump, I think they did election fraud on John James and others as well.

▪California data from 2016 shows that Hillary Clinton tampered with Bernie Sanders there.

▪We have a lot of evidence, which is impressive and absolutely horrifying.

▪These are federal court lawsuits. These lawsuits are critical to the future of our republic.

We’ve got the evidence (people getting paid for cheating). We’ve gotten check stubs from those who got paid (witnesses).