The Breitbart News reported Friday that Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said, “A government relations representative for American Airlines called my office and admitted that neither he nor the American Airlines executive director had actually read Senate Bill 7, which had just passed. But minutes later, American Airlines issued a statement strongly opposing the bill. I was so shocked! “
The Texas Senate passed Senate Bill 7 early Thursday morning. Republican state Sen. Bryan Hughes, who authored the bill, described it as designed to make “voting easy and accurate.
Lt. Gov. Patrick said, “Texans are fed up with big corporations that don’t share Texas values and are trying to dictate Texas public policy. The majority of Texans support preserving the integrity of our elections, which is why I have made this legislation a priority this legislative session.”
Patrick went on to say that in 2017, American Airlines “led the charge in trying to force the Texas Legislature to allow boys to participate in girls’ sports programs and take away their scholarships. They may still be fighting for that today, but please note that they likely haven’t read this legislation 29 either.”
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