Following a WHO “expert group” mission to China, WHO and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) jointly released a report on the traceability of the CCP virus (New Coronavirus). The report says that the CCP virus was most likely transmitted from bats to humans via another animal, and that the likelihood of a laboratory leak is “extremely low. U.S. experts have questioned the report, while several U.S. dignitaries and lawmakers, including former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have condemned it.
WHO Report Consistent with Official Chinese Communist Party Propaganda
On Friday, March 26, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) preempted the report’s findings, and on March 29, several U.S. media outlets revealed the draft report’s contents.
The CCP has been promoting the idea that the virus was not leaked from the Wuhan lab and that it was passed from bats to an intermediate host (some kind of animal) and then to humans. And this report draws conclusions about the source of the CCP virus that are almost identical to those of the CCP.
However, the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee issued an assessment of the origins of the CCP virus pandemic and the responsibilities of the CCP and WHO last year, revealing the CCP’s concealment of the outbreak that caused the virus to become a global pandemic and the WHO’s malfeasance in the early stages of the outbreak, and concluding that the virus likely leaked from the Wuhan virus laboratory.
White House: 17 government experts are reviewing WHO report
White House press secretary Leonardo Psaki said Monday (March 29) that 17 experts from the U.S. government are conducting an independent review of the WHO report on the origin of the virus, and then the White House will announce what its response will be.
The Associated Press disclosed that the Communist regime has imposed restrictions on outbreak research and ordered scientists not to talk to reporters during the WHO team’s investigation.
Pompeo: WHO is a Chinese co-conspirator
After hearing about the report, former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted, “The WHO report is a continuation of the false CCP-WHO disinformation campaign,which is why I suggested the U.S. leave the WHO.”
He also spoke of WHO Director General Desai Tan’s collaboration with Xi Jinping to hide that the virus could be transmitted from person to person at a critical Time. The Wuhan Institute for Virus Research (WIV) was the source of the virus, and WHO was complicit.
Senator Cotton: WHO report is a joke
U.S. Senator Tom Cotton said the WHO report will be a joke because the WHO team that went to Wuhan to conduct field research was not given access to the Wuhan Institute staff or the opportunity to actually investigate. He condemned the Chinese Communist Party for preventing U.S. and international researchers from entering Wuhan to investigate the source of the virus since the early days of the outbreak, so “many scientists think the Chinese Communist Party is trying to hide something.
Cotton said, “Even left-wing media outlets like the New York Times and the Washington Post have acknowledged that there are very serious questions to be answered about where the CCP virus originated.” He also spoke of documents on record showing that the Wuhan Virus Institute was too loosely managed. “Based on the evidence we have obtained, we believe that the CCP virus leak was due to an accident at the Wuhan Virus Institute.”
Senator Scott: Chinese Communist Party Responsible for Damage to U.S. Caused by Its Lies
U.S. Senator Rick Scott tweeted, “The Chinese Communist Party lied about the New Coronavirus, delayed [the U.S.] response to the outbreak, killed thousands of Americans and shut down our economy. The U.S. cannot tolerate the CCP’s bad behavior and they must be held accountable for the damage and losses the U.S. has caused.”
Senator Rubio: WHO is subject to the Chinese Communist Party
Senior Republican U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), who has long been concerned about human rights in China, tweeted, “If we examine how the WHO conducted its investigation into the source of the new coronavirus (CCP), anyone can be sure of one thing: the WHO is under strict and disturbing constraints from the CCP. “
Rep. Scalise: WHO report was written with help from the Chinese Communist Party
House Republican Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) tweeted that it was a joke that the WHO had China (the Chinese Communist Party) help write a report on the origins of the New Coronavirus (CCP virus). So that’s what it became: excluding the Wuhan lab (leaked) and not asking the Chinese to hand over the data, while asking for further exploration of the origins.
Rep. Arrington: WHO is exonerating the Chinese Communist Party
Republican U.S. Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas) said that over the past year, the WHO has covered up China’s (CCP) gross incompetence and corruption regarding the origin of the New Coronavirus (CCP virus). “This report, co-authored by WHO and China (CCP), is exonerating China (CCP) and does not provide any meaningful answers.”
Former White House chief of staff: WHO report exempts Wuhan lab
Former U.S. President Donald Trump‘s (Trump) White House chief of staff Mark Meadows questioned, “Which one did the WHO report give immunity to? The Wuhan lab. China is the center of the outbreak of the New Coronavirus (Chinese Communist virus). WHO is covering for them. The Biden administration has so far not held any party accountable.”
Senior Trump adviser: WHO is trying to protect the Chinese Communist government
Trump’s senior adviser Jason Miller spoke of the coordinated efforts of the WHO to protect the Chinese (Communist) government, which is linked to the New Coronavirus (CCP virus). “The WHO is nothing more than a front for the Chinese (Communist) government on the virus.”
Former CDC director: virus must have leaked from Wuhan lab
Robert Redfield, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said he believes the Chinese Communist virus was leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan after it was manufactured there. But the leak was not necessarily intentional.
As a virologist, he believes the virus could not have been transmitted from animals to humans because the current outbreak was already localized in Wuhan in September-October 2019, and the CCP concealed that timeline.
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