Xinjiang cotton storm Ko: anti-China is the world situation in the next 15 years

In response to the Xinjiang forced labor cotton storm, Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je said on March 28 that China does have a need for improvement in human rights. Ko believes that “the trade war between China and the United States will definitely continue to fight, anti-China in the next 15 years will be the world situation”.

Ko Wen-je was interviewed by the media at an event on Sunday morning, and the media asked him about his views on the wave of cotton boycotts in Xinjiang and the phenomenon of Taiwanese artists standing in line on the mainland, and Ko said after about six seconds of silence that the trade war between the United States and China will definitely continue to fight, and that China does have places to improve in human rights.

The Central News Agency quoted Ko as saying, “To be clear, cross-strait relations are between the two sides of the Pacific Ocean and the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, and are a world event”. He talked about how “anti-China will remain a world situation in the next 15 years, and China has to find ways to improve its international image.”

Ko said that the Chinese Communist Party often makes Taiwan people unhappy with many actions, “pineapples are not bought, planes fly around, WHO does not allow us to participate”, and he does not know what the Chinese Communist Party “is doing”. Ko also confessed that globalization has become “hemispheric”, which is also an international trend, to put it bluntly, is to choose sides.

Another on whether Taiwan will have the opportunity to participate in the World health Assembly (WHA) in May, Ko said that the doctor’s oath of office is not to restrict or influence medical practices because of religion, race, “Taiwan can not participate in the WHO, the world how to speak is not right. He believes that other have involved politics forget it, but the WHO will exclude Taiwan, in the international arena for China is absolutely negative.

In addition, the president of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, Yu Xi-kun, commented on Facebook that “the boycott of Xinjiang cotton is no longer a political issue, but a human rights issue!” He said, “Human rights is now a noble universal value in the global democratic world, and in the past there have been many black-hearted goods or sweated labor reasons that led to the boycott of goods, and this Time it is because the Chinese Communist Party has seriously violated human rights in Xinjiang, and I believe that many people are therefore unable to accept goods containing blood cotton from Xinjiang.”

DPP member You Xi-kun said, “The Chinese Communist Party is persecuting Xinjiang, not only for blood and sweat slavery, but now the global media has reported many evidence pointing to the Chinese Communist Party is causing the cultural extermination of the Uyghurs. The U.S., U.K., Canada, and the European Union have even enacted bills to prevent forced labor of Uyghurs to condemn it. Now over 150 human rights groups have launched a boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and continue to pressure the sponsors of the Winter Olympics, so it’s no wonder some are suggesting that a move should be considered!”

According to Yau, “American human rights crusader Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, ‘Injustice anywhere threatens fairness and justice everywhere. In response to such actions by the Chinese Communist Party, we should support these practical actions to speak out for the persecuted people of Xinjiang, not only to defend human rights, but also to join in condemning tyranny. Peace can only exist when human rights are taken seriously!”