U.S. Election Chaos, Fraud Judgment Only Requires Common Sense

When it comes to the Great American War of Independence, three founding fathers deserve the most credit. The first was George Washington, the first President of the United States and father of the American nation, who, as commander-in-chief of the Army of Independence, led the American people to victory; the second was Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States, who provided an important theoretical basis for the War of Independence; and the third was Thomas Paine, who wrote the wonderful pamphlet Common Sense. It greatly boosted the morale of the American people and strengthened their belief in independence.

Common Sense was important to the victory of the American War of Independence.

In 1763, after the end of the Anglo-French North American War, Britain gradually established its control over North America and became the dominant power. The British Empire decreed high taxes on the North American colonists, causing hardship to the local population, and the heavy economic burdens imposed on the North American colonists sparked resentment. In 1770, British soldiers fired on the inhabitants of Boston in what became known as the “Boston Massacre,” and the North American colonists began to boycott British imports, exacerbating the conflict… …

In 1775, after the shooting of Lexington, the United States began the difficult road to independence. At the beginning of the War of Independence, there was still a great deal of controversy in the United States about whether independence or unification should be pursued. There was a significant portion of the population who advocated respecting the monarchical rule of the British Empire and maintaining the status quo, while another portion of the population, while supporting American independence, was also apprehensive and uneasy, mostly fearful of the military power of the British Empire. At that time, even Washington, as commander-in-chief of the independent army, had doubts about whether the United States should move toward independence.

Against this background, Penn wrote his book Common Sense, which chronicled the British Empire’s hegemony and oppression of its North American colonies, and pointed out that if Britain was the mother country of North America, then the humiliation of the “mother country” to the North American people was the most shameful thing of all, because a tiger’s venom does not devour its own children, nor does a barbarian. Kill your own family. Penn stated firmly and clearly that America’s move toward independence was based on a simple fact and “common sense”-that the people of North America did not have to continue to accept tyranny, and that the best way to resolve the Anglo-American crisis was through American independence. The best way to resolve the Anglo-American crisis was American independence. “For the sake of our next generation to be free from violence, we must resist in order to gain independence.”

Common Sense sold nearly 600,000 copies to a U.S. population of only about three million at the time, demonstrating its influence and reach. Penn’s Common Sense was like a beacon of light in the darkness, dispelling doubts in the hearts of the American people and strengthening their faith in independence. After reading Common Sense, Washington was deeply shocked and completely abandoned his illusions about Britain, writing in a letter to a friend: “We must make a clean break with the British regime. The Declaration of Independence written by Jefferson was also full of nourishment drawn from Common Sense.

Even a British newspaper said, “A man who an hour ago was a strong opponent of independent thought, after reading Paine’s book, changed his attitude instantly.” Thus, Penn’s Common Sense was like a trumpet of words, blowing out the morale and enthusiasm of the War of Independence, and playing an indispensable role in America’s journey to independence.

The election of politically literate Donald Trump uses “common sense” to govern the country

More than two hundred years have passed since the United States became independent. In 2003, Bono Books, the largest chain of booksellers in the United States, calculated that Common Sense topped the list of the twenty books that have influenced American history.

In 1919, the Communist Party of America was founded in the United States under the orders of the Communist International, and in 1930, the Communist Red Tide attacked the U.S. under the guise of “liberalism,” which led to the “Roosevelt New Deal,” the “New Deal” and the “New Deal”. “In the 1960s, the “communist winds” were blowing in the United States, and anti-tradition, anti-morality, street hippies, rock ‘n’ roll, promiscuity, drugs, etc. began to proliferate. In the 1960s, the “communist style” was introduced, with anti-traditionalism, anti-morality, street hippies, rock ‘n’ roll, promiscuity, drugs, and so on. In recent years, deep-seated government, politics and business, universities, the media, big tech companies, and Hollywood …… have created a deep collusion between power and profit, and a delicate balance has been struck.

As the forces of communism and the far left have corrupted and infiltrated the United States, many Americans have also been driven step by step, unable to see straight. “Political correctness” has become so prevalent in the United States that many of its policies clearly defy common sense. For example, during the Obama administration, under the banner of “political correctness,” the “male and female toilet order” was introduced – any male, as long as he claims to be psychologically female, can use the toilet. He is considered to be discriminated against if he is forbidden to use the women’s restroom. When the executive order was issued, the far left was ecstatic.

In 2016, a political scientist, Donald Trump, appeared and was miraculously elected as the 45th President of the United States, saying: “Don’t be politically correct” and “We reject socialism”. In Kawakami’s dictionary, there is only common sense. What is common sense? Common sense dictates that men should use the men’s room and women should use the women’s room. So we have seen Trump order the revocation of the “men’s and women’s toilets” order; we have seen Trump cancel the Iran Nuclear Deal, which is fueling terror in Iran, and begin comprehensive sanctions against Iran; we have seen Trump close the border wall and no longer allow any kind of illegal We have also seen the influx of immigrants into the United States; we have also seen Trump throw the “appeasement policy” into the trash can and begin to hit the Chinese Communist Party with a heavy hand, locking it in the economic, military, technological, diplomatic and other fields.

Four years later, under the leadership of Trump, the U.S. drastically cut taxes internally, created a huge number of jobs, led a strong economic recovery, had the lowest unemployment rate in half a century, and the stock market hit all-time records; fought terrorism externally, completely annihilated ISIS, created the UAE-Israel and Bahrain-Israel two-century peace agreement, and led the global siege of communism ……

However, as Trump said when he was sworn in, “I will shake the establishment on both sides of the political aisle because I will not be bought. In the process of “draining the Washington swamp” step by step internally, the dark forces and alligators deep inside have launched a fierce attack on him. At the same time, in the process of cutting off the red tentacles of the Chinese Communist Party, he also provoked the frantic counterattack of the red devils of the Chinese Communist Party in their dying struggle. As a result, the black hand of the Chinese Communist Party, the deep government of the United States, politics, business, the media, large technology companies, the extreme left forces, and even a large number of witches conspired to form a great “demon formation”, launched a four-year-long attack, smear and persecution of Trump, and accumulated until the 2020 U.S. election, only to appear today’s dark clouds. The Situation: Unprecedented Election Fraud, U.S. in Constitutional Crisis, Moral Crisis……

Common Sense Is All It Takes to Determine Whether a General Election is Fraudulent or Not

In the face of the election chaos, especially the “mainstream media” and big tech companies’ disinformation and demagoguery, the election fraud information blackout and brainwashing propaganda, the censorship and silencing of the public, even the president, as well as the threat of violence by the “Black Lives Matter”, many people are confused and their standards of right and wrong are becoming blurred.

The democracy and freedom laid down by the founding fathers of the United States for their children and grandchildren are now in jeopardy, as if the American people were once again in a moment of crisis on the eve of the War of Independence more than two hundred years ago. This time, can the American people, through “common sense,” once again come out of the crisis and meet the light? Now, let’s take a look at some basic “common sense” in the general election.

1. Only eligible voters can vote.

What is an eligible voter? According to U.S. law, a legal voter must first be a U.S. citizen, be at least 18 years old on Election Day, and meet the residency requirements of the state in which he or she is voting. Of course, the voter must be a living person.

In this election, dead people voted for Biden in several states. In this election, at least 21,000 people on Pennsylvania’s voter rolls were dead, more than 90 percent of whom died before October 2019, according to a news release from Breitbart News. Richard Aris, director of the Big Data Polling Institute, said that about 9,500 dead people in Michigan are confirmed to have “mailed in their ballots. What’s more, in this election, the state of California has seen the emergence of a 2.5 year old female pet dog that also voted by mail.

2. Only one vote per person.

One person, one vote is basic common sense. In Gwinnett County, Georgia, over half a million total registered voters, 400,000 actually turned out to vote, but ended up casting over 810,000 votes, which equates to an average of two votes per person! It has been confirmed that up to 60% of the signatures on a batch of ballots in Wayne County, Michigan, are identical.

On November 14, Errol Webber, candidate for California’s 37th Congressional District, released a statement that more than a month ago, Webber received a total of eight ballots at his residence, one for himself and the remaining seven for others and people who no longer live there. Weber said honesty is important, and he voted with only his one ballot. But Weber questioned whether people who also received multiple ballots but didn’t care about honesty would vote multiple times. Can the voting system find out? Is manual verification of a signature strict when the machine cannot verify the signature? One has to wonder about the fairness of the California elections.

3. If you are registered in a state, you can only vote in that state.

Recently, some top Democrats are calling on voters to “move the vote” in order to take two federal senatorial seats in Georgia. Among others, former Democratic presidential primary candidate Andrew Yang, the far-left AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez), and other top Democrats actively responded in a blatant attempt to violate election laws.

In doing so, not only should their New York ballots be considered invalid and their official positions in New York revoked, but they could also be convicted of a felony – 10 years in prison and fined $100,000, according to the state Attorney General’s office.

4. Ballots should be scrutinized and counting should not be fraudulent.

On November 4, in Fulton County, Georgia, counters falsely said they were closing the polls to drive Republican poll watchers home, and then those counters surreptitiously continued to count the ballots.

Detroit counting station workers blocked windows with cardboard and prevented Republican observers from watching the count.

On the night of November 3, at the TCF Center, one of the largest counting centers in Detroit, Michigan, Republican volunteers who were present at the count noticed that the counters should have counted between 7,000 and 10,000 votes during one shift from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. The next morning, the counters were not able to count the ballots. However, the announcement on the radio at the end of the shift said, “We counted 50,000 ballots tonight.

In addition, in this election, the voting systems of 33 states, including all the swing states, used the fraudulent software Dominion to surreptitiously transfer at least hundreds of thousands of votes for Trump to Biden. The investigation into the Dominion software company is ongoing, and more evidence is expected to emerge in the near future.

5: The percentage of votes for members of the same party and presidential candidates will not be very different

According to a previous survey by Pew Research, “Voters who supported both Trump and Biden overwhelmingly said they supported the same party’s Senate candidate.” In other words, the majority of voters who voted for Trump also voted for the Republican candidate for Senate. Indeed, according to statistics, Trump’s approval rating among Republicans is over 90%. And vice versa, most of the voters who voted for Democrats also voted for Biden.

However, in several Michigan counties (e.g., Oakland, Macomb, Kent), the higher the Republican vote share, the more Trump’s share lagged behind the Republican vote share.

What is even more bizarre is that in some swing states, Biden’s share of the vote was much higher than that of the Democratic senatorial candidate. In Georgia, for example, the vote margin between Biden and the Democratic Senate candidate was a whopping 95,801 votes, 117 times larger than the vote margin between Trump and the Republican Senate candidate (818 votes)!

6. Mass vote data should conform to statistical fundamentals.

In today’s society, Benford’s Law is widely used to test the falsification of large-scale data. With the large volume and wide distribution of data in the U.S. election, the results of the ballot data would have complied with Benford’s Law if there had been no human manipulation. If there was a massive manipulation of the number of votes, it would have revealed itself to Benford’s Law.

Recently, a Twitter user in the United States compared Biden’s vote data with Benford’s Law and found that in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, Chicago, Illinois, and Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Biden’s vote curve deviated far from Benford’s Law.

7. precincts where fraud is disputed should have transparent recounts

Precincts where fraud is disputed require a recount, with fair and transparent scrutiny. The most direct way to do this is to have a public vote count, just like in the Taiwan general election.

In Taiwan’s general election in early 2020, 19.31 million people had the right to vote, and they were able to do so at any polling place where every ballot was opened to anyone to watch, videotape, monitor, and even challenge, with no secret counting. In the U.S. election, the number of registered voters in the disputed precincts is much lower than in Taiwan, so public vote counting is feasible.

8. Freedom of speech, different opinions should be allowed to be expressed freely.

Before the election, the New York Post was the first to reveal the Biden family’s “hard drivegate” scandal, however, the left media deliberately did not report it, and social media also tried to block the spread of the scandal, Twitter even directly blocked the New York Post account. The New Jersey Women for Trump, a Facebook group with nearly 30,000 members, was blocked for no apparent reason.

After Election Day, Facebook and Twitter became even more reckless in their censorship, branding almost all of President Trump’s posts with a special tag. A Facebook group, StoptheSteal, has amassed more than 350,000 members who discuss allegations of election fraud and plan peaceful protests across the United States in support of Donald Trump. Recently, Facebook directly deleted the “Stop the Steal” group account. In contrast, the accounts of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, which discussed and carried out violent acts of vandalism, have remained untouched.

9. Different Views Need to be Respected in a Democratic Society

Recently, the aforementioned socialist congressman from New York AOC threatened to create a blacklist of Trump supporters and archive the information of those who “voted, served, donated, supported and represented” President Trump for future accounting.

Democratic VIP Hari Sevugan, one of Obama’s former staffers, then responded by setting up a “Trump Accountability Project,” threatening to punish officials, employers, and publishers who dare to hire Trump supporters.

Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post joined the purge of political opponents, even suggesting that President Trump’s supporters be sent to “re-education camps” for rehabilitation.

10: Whistle blowers should be strictly protected by law

Richard Hopkins of the U.S. Postal Service came forward to publicly blow the whistle on the postmaster in the key swing state of Pennsylvania who asked his employees to “legalize” illegal ballots by postmarking all the mail-in ballots collected on the 4th of April with a 3-day postmark.

Subsequently, Hopkins was questioned by agents of the U.S. Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). The recorded interrogation proved that the agents attempted to intimidate and force Hopkins to back down. In addition, Hopkins received a letter from the local post office informing him that he was suspended without pay.

In addition to the 10 points listed above, there are many more “common sense” points to add to the list. For example, a highly fraudulent election should be declared null and void. Once an election is invalidated, the party involved in the fraud will face direct investigation, arrest and imprisonment. President Trump would then be re-elected as a logical consequence.


Although the U.S. election is still hanging in the balance, people from all fifty states have already held peaceful rallies and marches against election fraud and in support of Donald Trump. One Trump supporter’s jacket reads “I’d rather have Wuhan pneumonia (COVID-19) than have Biden elected (Biden-20)”.

The Oath Keepers, the largest militia in the U.S., which includes tens of thousands of Americans who were once in the military or in law enforcement and belongs to an armed conservative group, also participated in the March on Washington, D.C., last Saturday in support of Donald Trump. “Members of the Oath Keepers say they will not recognize the election, and that about half of the U.S. population will not recognize Biden as legitimate. They also said they would resist Biden in the spirit of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

More and more forces of justice are beginning to assemble to stand firmly on the side of justice and say no to the forces of evil. These forces of justice are coming not only from within the Republican Party, but also from the judiciary, Hollywood, the religious community, and all walks of life. …… It is as if we are witnessing what Penn described in his book Common Sense: “Our great strength comes from the unity of the people of North America. “About to reproduce!