On Friday, March 12, during a visit to a hospital in Paris, French Prime Minister Jean-Claude Castet expressed particular concern about the course of the Epidemic in the metropolitan area. He noted that hospital resources across the Ile-de-France region are already “extremely stretched” and that “additional measures need to be prepared at all times.
During the Prime Minister’s visit, a doctor at the hospital’s intensive care unit said that he was treating patients “who are very young and whose symptoms are the most serious”. The head of the ICU said that the average Time a patient is resuscitated in the unit is 14.6 days, but after resuscitation and leaving the unit, these people often face a long recovery period of many months, or even years. Another physician also said that 20 to 30 percent of activities such as surgery that are considered non-urgent have been canceled to make room for the new crowned patients coming in. Most critically, the intensive care unit was able to have spare beds and supporting equipment. In addition, the hospital’s respiratory rehabilitation department, which is already very stretched.
To date, the French Ministry of health has released data showing that more than 4,000 patients infected with the new coronavirus have been admitted to intensive care units across the country. This symbolic number barrier was last almost breached at the end of November last year. Also, the cumulative number of deaths caused by the new coronavirus in France surpassed 90,000 this Friday. Regarding the New Coronavirus vaccine, more than 7 million doses have been administered in France, and the number of people who have received one dose is at least 4.8 million, and the number of people who have received two doses is 2.2 million.
During a hospital visit today, Prime Minister Castel said that more than 300,000 people were vaccinated with the new crown vaccine in the Ile-de-France region last weekend, a record since last year. As of now, the curfew, which begins at 6 p.m. in the Paris metropolitan area, has been in effect for a week, and restaurants and civic establishments have been closed for more than four months, with the government hoping to do all it can to avoid a repeat of last spring’s harsh closures. If several other parts of France have already started to implement weekend closures, the economic volume of Paris has forced the government to seriously consider the consequences of weekend closures in Paris. This time, Prime Minister Castel visited hospitals and said he was “ready to take additional measures”, but did not elaborate.
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