and Trump interview former intelligence director to choose the governor? Trump help McCarthy: Republican Party is expected to take back the House of Representatives

Former acting intelligence director and Trump meet to discuss running for California governor

Former acting U.S. intelligence director Richard Grenell (Richard Grenell) hinted he could run for governor of California to challenge incumbent Gavin Newsom (Gavin Newsom). Newsom is facing calls to be removed from office.

The U.S. “Politico” news site reported that, according to three people familiar with the matter, Grenell had dinner with President Trump at the Sea Lake estate Saturday night to discuss the potential for Grenell to run for governor of California if Newsom is removed from office.

CNN’s source revealed that Trump and Grenell would discuss multiple topics.

Grenell spoke about the possibility of a run during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida, Saturday morning. He said that in his 30-year career in politics, he has never seen a better reason to remove the governor than the current recall of California.

He said, “Of course, if public officials still can’t deliver on their promises, and if you can’t limit their terms or remove them in a timely manner, then there’s always another option: you can oppose them yourself.”

Neither Grinnell nor a Trump spokesman responded to requests for comment. Trump has yet to take a public position on the California recall, but many of his staunchest supporters have made clear their support for Newsom’s removal. Mercedes Schlapp, the wife of Matt Schlapp, head of the Conservative Political Action Conference and a former Trump aide, said in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday morning that Grenell would “make a great governor of California. .

House Intelligence Committee Chairman: $1.9 Trillion Relief Bill is a Giveaway to Blue States

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a $1.9 trillion Communist Party virus relief bill in the early hours of Saturday, Feb. 27. In response, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devis Nunes (R-Calif.) told the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) that the bill was a giveaway to blue states and would do little to benefit Republican-run states and districts.

The House-passed $1.9 trillion Epidemic relief bill now goes to the Senate for a vote. Nunez compared the bill to the stimulus bill passed early in the Obama administration’s term, arguing that the money, like Obama’s stimulus bill, while falsely claiming that failure to pass it would cause the U.S. economy to collapse, is in essence just a way to help the left buy hearts and minds and bankroll Democratic programs.

Nunez said, “These people are behaving predictably, and they’ve done it before. People may forget what they said when Obama was elected in 2009. He said ‘we have to have a stimulus bill or the whole economy will collapse,’ and then they passed that bill totaling $800 billion.”

“This money is going to be used by the Democrats to pull votes or give to their guys over the next four years,” Nunez said, “and I can safely say that most of that money is not going to red states or Republican-controlled districts. The money will be used for projects like high-speed rail in California.”

Republicans oppose this bill because only 9 percent of the money in this bill goes to controlling the CCP virus epidemic. The money set aside for so-called progressives includes an increase in the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, the first expansion of Obamacare in 10 years, and a refundable child tax credit program, the largest Family income-based welfare program in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

How do you spend more than half of the two trillion dollars of U.S. bailout money that has nothing to do with bailouts? Can you agree?

The Biden administration and the Democratic Congress are pushing hard for a relief bill approaching two trillion dollars, which they claim Americans support, according to polls. But would Americans still agree to such a relief bill if they knew how the two trillion would be spent?

The commentator Orient Zongzheng points out that the sums used for direct relief add up to less than $1 trillion. ($993.4 billion).

The remaining $1 trillion or so would have nothing to do with relief.

350 billion to subsidize state and local governments, even though local government revenues have returned to normal, and what’s more, the Democrats have changed the rules for granting stipends, with most of them going to states governed by Democrats and to states governed by Democrats with strict city closures and foot bans. The relief bill passed during the Trump Administration last year also gave allowances to local governments, but basically according to the population, but not this Time, it was based on the average unemployment rate in the last three months of last year, New York State’s unemployment rate of 8.2%, California’s unemployment rate of 9%, both of which are very hard to seal the city; while South Dakota, which insists on an open economy, has an unemployment rate of only 3% and does not get much federal government subsidies.

86 billion to subsidize 185 pension accounts black hole, these are the accounts bought pension benefit guarantee company insurance, and pension benefit guarantee company is the employer and the union jointly managed insurance company, these pension accounts because of the lack of federal standards and financial rules, for many years there has been a funding gap, need to reform, this is good, the taxpayers fill the black hole.

129 billion to subsidize primary and secondary schools, whether they are open or not; 40 billion to subsidize college Education; here is a reminder that before this Congress has allocated $111.3 billion to schools, most of this money has not been used up, and now allocate new money, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that 95% of the money will be delayed until 2022 to 2028, and that is still epidemic relief?

35 billion for Obamacare subsidies; 39 billion for child care subsidies; 30 billion for public transit; 19 billion for rent subsidies; 10 billion for mortgage subsidies; 4.5 billion for low-income heating and air conditioning subsidies; 3.5 billion for Food stamps; 1.5 billion for the railroad; 50 billion for FEMA; 1 billion for the World Food Protection Program; 500 million for libraries, museums, humanities, and arts, and preservation preservation of Indian languages. And of course the various spending programs for each senior legislator’s own constituency. And so on, and so on, and so on. Anyway, it’s taxpayer money, open for spending.

Some people have left comments saying that a cup of coffee will cost ten dollars next year. Anyway, it is taxpayers’ money, open to spend. The government just needs to print more money on the line.

Hawley: Rights come from God not from Google, should break up tech giants

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, a Republican. Josh Hawley (R-Texas).

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, a Republican. Speaking at the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday, Feb. 26, U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Texas) loudly proclaimed, “Our rights come from God, not from Google.”

In his speech, Senator Hawley of Missouri said that the United States is facing one of the greatest crisis moments in its history, and that it is facing an unprecedented alliance between the radical left and the largest, most powerful corporations in the history of the world, Watch China reported on February 28.

Senator Hawley named Google, Facebook and Twitter, noting that these companies have more power than any other in U.S. history, and that they have joined forces with the radical left in an attempt to impose their agenda on America.

Hawley warned that the radical left is in league with these big tech companies who want to run the country and are about to do so if the people do nothing, and it will become an oligarchy – and that’s the choice America now faces, whether it wants a republic under the rule of the people, or an oligarchy.

Senator Hawley also mentioned that the Declaration of Independence says that our inalienable right to Life and liberty comes from God, not the government.

Hawley added, “Our rights come from God, not from Google. Right?”

What Hawley told the crowd he was going to do was to break up the tech giants. He said, “Take these big companies apart and cut them down to size for the good of the people and for our freedom!”

In addition, Hawley added, “It’s not just for the big tech companies, but for all the big multinational companies that sold us to China (the Chinese Communist Party), sold out the workers, sold out the jobs, they need to be broken up, and we need to have free and fair competition in this country again.”

Mainstream media sarcastically insulted Florida’s governor, now blocking him for having better anti-epidemic policies than Governor Cuomo

Pictured is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R).

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) proudly opened the Conservative Congress (CPAC) on Friday, Feb. 26, with “Welcome to the oasis of freedom,” announcing the success of Florida’s 2020 epidemic control policies. Washington Times commentator Kelly Sadler thus wrote about why DeSantis’ rapid unsealing policy was the right thing to do.

Sadler writes that Governor DeSantis has been subjected to sarcastic insults from the mainstream media during the epidemic for his remarkable epidemic control policies. Although he, like other governors, introduced a stay-at-Home policy during the first 15 weeks of the outbreak, as a parental official he was obviously well aware that a stay-at-home order for too long would cause enormous damage to the state’s economy, as well as to the mental health of the state’s people and their lives.

So after spending 15 weeks stockpiling medical reserves and ordering the state’s hospitals to prepare for more patients, DeSantis announced the opening of the state’s beaches in mid-April last year. This led to a tidal wave of criticism in the mainstream media that the move would lead to the widespread spread of the CCP virus in the state and result in a large number of deaths in the state from the CCP virus.

During the same period, when so-called experts called for health care reform, discharging elderly diagnosed patients to nursing homes to free up beds for other patients, DeSantis rejected the proposal. Instead, New York Governor Cuomo heeded this advice.

The result was that Florida was able to add more beds to its hospitals and avoid the unnecessary deaths of large numbers of elderly patients in nursing homes similar to those in New York State.

And Seidel points out that all of this was accomplished in a way that the mainstream media, which at the time had been condemning DeSantis, could not believe. At the time, Florida’s epidemic numbers were “unbelievably good,” while New York Governor Cuomo received unanimous praise from the mainstream media for concealing the number of elderly deaths in nursing homes and misrepresenting the state’s epidemic numbers. Now, when people learn that Newcomer concealed the number of deaths, they are calling for Cuomo to step down or hold him accountable.

And the number of people infected with the CCP virus in Florida has remained stable so far after a high point in mid-July of last year.

While more and more U.S. states were further tightening their homeownership orders last fall due to the resurgence of the outbreak, DeSantis was pushing for businesses in the state to return to work and schools to resume classes. As a result, Florida has seen a much higher number of schools return to face-to-face instruction than any other state in the United States. And, while Florida’s tourism industry is still suffering, the state’s economy has begun to rebound.

As a result of DeSantis’ epidemic control policies, Seidel concluded, Florida’s death rate from the C.C.V. is lower than the national average, ranking 28th among U.S. states and even lower than California, which has the toughest homeownership order, while Florida has a larger number of seniors.

Florida’s unemployment rate is also lower than the U.S. average; Florida schools offer more face-to-face classes, and the state’s budget is in good shape, with no contingency funds used for spending related to the CCHS outbreak.

U.S. Medical Experts Criticize Forsythe: Shouldn’t Restrict Herding After Vaccination

Pictured is Fox News contributor and medical expert Nicole Saphier, Ph.

Dr. Nicole Saphier, a U.S. medical expert and Fox Medical News contributor, recently wrote an article criticizing Anthony Fauci, Biden’s advisor on the Chinese Communist virus (coronavirus), for not easing restrictions on herding while the U.S. society is heavily vaccinated and the level of virus transmission is declining. She questions the lack of clear guidance from health experts and policy makers, and the frustration over many issues Does this crisis have an end point?

Dr. Safire is a member of the Sloan. Dr. Safire is an assistant professor at Memorial Kettering Cancer Center and Cornell Medical College. Her article was prompted by a television report. In a Feb. 11 television interview, Guthrie asked Dr. Fauci on NBC’s Today show the question: Will grandparents be able to meet with their grandchildren after they are fully vaccinated?

While declining to make a formal recommendation, Forsythe replied, “Ultimately, yes.” He stressed that if all members of a family are vaccinated, the risk of coming together is greatly reduced.

Dr. Safir questioned this: Vaccine research hasn’t even started in children yet, so do we still have to tell grandparents that even though they’ve been vaccinated, the grandchildren will have to be vaccinated before they can see each other?

She argues, Dr. Fauci and others say, that even at low transmission levels, people still can’t increase socialization after vaccination. This argument is dangerous because it may actually discourage people from getting vaccinated.

And Dr. Fauci and other experts remain reluctant to make a formal recommendation. To which Safire questioned: After a year of quarantine to protect the vulnerable, isn’t our goal to give the most vulnerable people the normal lives we are trying to restore?

House Leader McCarthy: Republicans on track to take back the House in 2022

McCarthy said at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) meeting on Saturday the 27th that they are on track for Republicans to take back the House in the 2022 midterm elections.

He said, “Only a very small percentage of House Democrats can hold their seats forever, so we will be able to do that.” “We’re going to win back the House.”

McCarthy also said he was grateful to Trump because House Republicans won 15 seats in the 2020 election with Trump’s help, which left the party with only five fewer seats in the House than Democrats.

And if the Republicans win back the House of Representatives, as majority leader, McCarthy will likely become Speaker of the House.