Wei Jingsheng: Why sing the praises of tyrants?

Why sing the praises of tyrants? The answer is relatively unanimous: whoever wants to be a tyrant must sing the praises of tyrants. Recently, a TV series on the mainland blatantly glorified the most famous tyrants in history, and the debate raged on, and the topic of contemporary tyrants became lively again. But the other side of the coin is that the TV series became a hit, which seems strange, why do so many people still like tyrants?

In my observation there are at least two reasons: firstly, under decades of Communist tyranny, people have become accustomed, numb and don’t know to be afraid. And under the years of brainwashing propaganda of the Communist Party, people think that tyranny is inevitable, or at least cannot be overthrown, so let’s accept the reality. Since it’s useless to resist, let’s just lie back and enjoy it. Many so-called Chinese middle-class people may be this kind of lying down and enjoying themselves, and their material living conditions also qualify them to lie down and enjoy themselves, and some of them have even developed Stockholm syndrome, tearfully defending the tyrant. There is no shortage of such people in the elite class, including overseas elites.

Another reason is that the writers and directors of the TV series called “The Great Qin Fu” portrayed a rather humane Qin Shi Huang, which made those low-quality people look at it with enthusiasm, so that they can teach the men who have wilted their heads to learn properly: to be humane at Home and to behave like men outside. As for what history is like, it is not the same as Jin Yong novels, is the drama TV series like that? Men at home are not afraid to talk about tyrants.

It is said that the TV series deleted the segment in which Qin Shi Huang killed his second brother. The deletion of this passage, which had been used by literary scholars for more than 2,000 years to describe his tyrannical character, underscores the core purpose of the censors, which is to glorify tyrants. Qin Shi Huang was a human being, of course he had a human side, but what he brought to the people as a ruler was more of a tyrant’s side.

This brings us to the definition of what constitutes a tyrant and tyranny. For more than two thousand years, people have denounced tyrants and tyrannies. These tyrants and tyrannies all have one thing in common: they ignore the basic rights and dignity of the people and enslave them for their great goals; they impose harsh laws in order to deter them; and they ignore human dignity in order to deter them by imposing harsh laws. This includes keeping villains and cool officials, corrupting social morality and creating social unrest.

Why did the majority of the country, from top to bottom, oppose Mao’s tyranny during the Cultural Revolution? Because most people felt that the loss of human dignity, the loss of proper security, the loss of social morality and mutual trust, and the loss of the right to a better material Life. Except for a few Maoists with vested interests, most people cannot stand the loss of human rights and slave-like life. Because of such a mass base, the top Communist Party led by Hua Guofeng was able to overthrow the Maoist regime in one fell swoop and without causing social unrest.

At that Time, not only the people but also the majority in the Communist Party believed that the feudal serfdom system of Mao and the Soviet Union could not be continued. From Hua Guofeng to Deng Xiaoping, all believed that the social system had to be reformed, or what was later called reform and opening up. But they also believed that they could not give up the vested interests of one-party dictatorship, so there was a half-hearted reform that changed the economy but not the politics. They boasted that it was called the “Chinese model”. In fact, it is the model that has been practiced in China for more than 2,000 years, using authoritarian politics to manage the market economy, and it is not the genius invention of the chief architect.

Before the formation of modern democracy, this model was arguably the most advanced model of its time. But in the face of the system of managing the market economy with democratic politics, it is obviously a backward system, which cannot adapt not only to the economic development and technological progress, but also to the modern people’s demand for freedom and dignity.

Now the people of the West have also realized that continued blood transfusions to authoritarian countries endanger not only their own interests but also their own conditions of existence and values. It is the new political correctness to stop blood transfusion diplomacy. The Chinese model could no longer be maintained, so the CCP chose Xi Jinping, while also choosing to return to the tyrant model of brutal repression and strengthening of autocracy in an attempt to save the faltering autocratic vested interests. Propaganda of the despotic tyrant became the CCP’s obvious choice.