Zhang Jiadun: The spread of the virus by the Chinese Communist Party is “mass murder”

In a recent interview, China expert Gordon Chang discussed the Chinese Communist Party‘s ambitions in biological warfare, human experimentation, and Biden‘s position on China. He emphasized that the Chinese Communist Party’s deliberate export of the virus abroad, which killed 2.4 million people worldwide, was an act of “mass murder.

Multiple reports have revealed that the Chinese military has been collecting genetic data on foreigners so that it can target specific DNA strands based on ethnicity.

“China (the Chinese Communist Party) wants the DNA data of foreigners because it gives them more information to be able to do what we just discussed, which is to (research) viruses that only attack certain ethnic or racial groups.” Zhang Jiadun said, “So the more data they (the Chinese Communist Party) collect, the more information they have to do this.”

“China (the CCP) also prohibits the transfer of DNA data from Chinese people out of the country. This implies that they are up to something sinister.” Zhang Jiadun said.

Zhang Jiadun: Chinese Communist Party deliberately exported virus abroad

Zhang Jiadun said that although many countries around the world conduct biological weapons research programs for defense purposes, the CCP is deliberately pushing the CCP virus (coronavirus) out of the country.

He said it is not known whether the virus was naturally transferred from animals to humans or whether it was an accidental leak from a laboratory. However, the action taken by the CCP is very clear.

“It would be extremely irresponsible for China (CCP) to say nothing about the contagiousness of this disease,” Zhang said, adding that the virus was only declared transmissible from person to person on Jan. 20 (2020). But we know that China (CCP) has lied about this issue. They are trying to tell the world that it is not contagious when they know it is contagious.”

“They (the CCP) are locking down their own country while pressuring countries not to impose travel restrictions and quarantines on people entering from China. …… This means Xi Jinping must have thought this would be effective in exporting this virus out of China.”

Lying about the contagiousness of the virus and imposing a strict domestic embargo, Zhang Jiadun said, you can only conclude one thing.

“China (the Chinese Communist Party) deliberately spread this disease outside of China, which means that all the people who died outside of China, which is the result of (the Communist Party’s) murder, 2.4 million people died, which is mass murder.” He said.

Zhang Jiadun warns Biden to recognize Chinese Communist malice

Asked for his views on Biden’s stance on the Chinese Communist Party, Gordon Chang said President Biden’s views are outdated.

“He has a good, vague view of China (the Chinese Communist Party).” Gordon Chang said.

He criticized Biden for portraying the Chinese Communist Party’s genocide of the Uighurs to the American public as a “cultural norm” of the Communist Party, saying that is not what a U.S. president should do.

Zhang hopes Biden will realize and understand the malicious intent of the Communist regime.

“They [the Chinese Communist Party] are not some competitor in the existing international system,” Gordon warned, “Xi Jinping wants to replace that international system.”

Zhang Jiatun: CCP gene editing experiments violate ethics

Zhang Jiadun also commented on the gene-edited babies that took place in China in 2018. He said, “It means one thing – they [the Chinese Communist Party] have no moral boundaries on this. This experiment on twin baby girls has caused outrage in the global scientific community because those types of experiments on the human genome are considered unethical.”

“So we know that anything can be done in China.” He said.

In an interview on Fox News last December, then-U.S. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said intelligence showed that the Chinese Communist Party was using “gene editing” to strengthen its military and attempt to dominate the world. He warned that values such as individual freedom and free enterprise are at risk if the Chinese Communist Party is allowed to succeed.

“It (the Communist Party) is changing DNA, and that’s one of the things our intelligence shows China (the Communist Party) is doing. …… The People’s Republic of China (CCP) has 2 million troops, and it’s trying to make its military stronger through genetic editing.” Ratcliffe said.

“This is just one of the ways in which the PRC (Communist Party of China) is trying to substantially dominate the planet and set the rules of world order.” He said.