U.S. “Frontline Doctors” Issue Petition to Stop Forced Vaccination of Chinese Communist Virus

U.S. media reported Tuesday, Feb. 2, that America’s Frontline Doctors has created a Web site urging Americans to sign a petition warning that forced injections of the new crown vaccine in an experimental state are both unacceptable and undesirable. allowed and undesirable.

America’s “Frontline Doctors” are a group of physicians who last summer challenged the widespread behavior and beliefs that have been reported about the New Coronavirus. These courageous doctors were attacked for what they believed to be true. Now, these physicians are asking Americans to sign a petition under the following conditions.

We need your support to prevent people from being intimidated or pressured into using experimental prophylaxis.

Your health and medical condition is personal and private and should not be invaded by anyone, including employers, airlines or government agencies.

All people deserve medical privacy and equality.

Never pressure the population to use experimental prophylaxis. However, this is becoming a very real danger. Government legislation or policy directives from large private and public companies (including airlines, employers, schools and other institutions) can be used to enforce such measures. This attack on the medical privacy of the population is intrusive, aggressive and unethical.

The Petition to Stop Forced Acceptance of Experimental Prophylaxis is an opportunity for the public to stand up and say no to the (legal, social or otherwise) coercive use of experimental prophylaxis.

The petition can be signed here.

These doctors are heroes.