Strange! CDC statistics a mystery as number of confirmed cases plummets by 14,634

The Gateway Pundit reports that only 23 Americans tested positive for the flu last week, compared to the 14,657 cases reported during the same period last year.

Have you ever felt cheated, the report says?

450,390 people have died from coronavirus (the Chinese communist virus) in the United States this year.

And that number includes poisonings, shootings, homicides and hospice deaths.

The Gateway Pundit reported in August from the CDC that only 6% of all deaths classified as coronavirus (CCP) in the United States were actually from a single Chinese coronavirus (CCP).

This means that the number of those poor people who died singularly from coronavirus (CCP virus) is much, much lower than the headlines.

Reports say that many local and state governments have shut down local businesses and institutions for overstating this statistic of Americans who have died from the Chinese coronavirus (CCP virus).

Does this make the mainstream news?

But is the CDC using other statistical tricks this year as well?

This flu season has seen a record low number of flu cases in the United States.

The number for 2020 is the line at the bottom with the triangle.

This is a graph of the current status of flu cases reported in the U.S. this year.

The liberal website (weather) also reported a surprisingly low number of flu cases this year. reports.

In the second week of January, 23 people in the U.S. tested positive for the flu.

During the same period last year, more than 14,657 people tested positive for the flu before the coronavirus (a Chinese communist virus) pandemic.

“It’s crazy,” Lynnette Brammer, who leads the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s domestic flu surveillance team, told The Washington Post, “This is my 30th flu season, and I never expected to see flu activity this low.”

For the week ending Jan. 16, the CDC reported low or very low flu activity in nearly every state and territory.

That week last year, 44 states plus Puerto Rico and New York City had high flu activity. Only one state, New Hampshire, had very low flu activity.