Bluffing? Facing Citi sanctions, powerful nations offer ‘seven wounded fists’

In the face of sanctions from the United States (US), the Ministry of Commerce of the powerful country (China) has come up with the “ultimate genius”, which is that if a company from a powerful country complies with a foreign government’s sanctions order, it will face prosecution in the courts of the powerful country.

The “genius” who came up with this “ultimate brilliant bridge” should be worshipped by the whistle blowers! Because, if this new decree of the “Measures to Block the Improper Extraterritorial Application of Foreign Laws and Measures” is really strictly enforced, companies in powerful countries will have no choice but to comply with the rules of powerful countries, and many foreign companies will no longer be able to cooperate with powerful companies; this is like a powerful country taking the initiative to disassociate itself from “foreign trade”, and before they cut off relations with you, you will take the initiative to declare “jumping ship”!

Over the past 24 months, Citigroup has launched several rounds of sanctions against powerful companies, involving about 300 companies in various fields such as high-tech and construction. For Citi, sanctions against companies are becoming an important tool of pressure that is used in conjunction with military and diplomatic efforts, and is difficult for powerful countries to fight back. The so-called “counter-measures” offered by the Ministry of Commerce of powerful countries are always “seven-wound punches”, hurting themselves before hurting others.

In addition to the latest “ultimate firing tactic”, last year the powerful Ministry of Commerce also announced another “unreliable entity list” provision, claiming to sanction “foreign enterprises and individuals who endanger sovereignty and interrupt normal transactions with Chinese capital”. But whistle blowers are very suspicious, these so-called “countermeasures”, in fact, mainly for everyone to see the window-dressing, simply will not and can not be implemented; because once the implementation of such “trolling tactics”, only greater damage to the powerful country’s own interests!