Straight after the Chinese Communist Party Capitol protesters are on the no-fly blacklist and can no longer fly Video

On Jan. 10, U.S. media outlet Gateway Pundit uploaded a video taken at the airport of a shocking scene in which a man was thrown off a plane and said in an emotional voice that he was accused of being a “terrorist.

“They kicked me off the plane and called me a terrorist,” the man said in an emotional voice that ripped through his heart. “They tried to ruin my life.”

Another video shows a tearful woman with two other women standing by to comfort her. Airport workers in the video said the people were barred from being allowed on the plane because of their support for President Trump.

The Gateway Pundit commented that the media and members of Congress have been working hard to achieve such a no-fly effect.

The Gateway Pundit cited a Sunday article in Forbes titled “This is how to keep congressional rioters from flying back to Washington, D.C., flight attendants say.”

Forbes reported that “airlines should review their manifests for flights to and from Washington around the time of the Jan. 6 riots. While airlines cannot coordinate with each other on competitive issues, they can coordinate on safety issues, and airlines should share the names of passengers among themselves, especially those reported for misbehavior or bad behavior. The effect achieved would be that if an airline has banned someone for some reason, then all the rest of the airlines’ flights could ban that person.”

The Forbes report also suggested that “airlines could coordinate industry-wide temporary no-fly lists for specific time periods or specific airports.”

Meanwhile, Democratic politicians are also calling for a ban on protesters from flying. Mississippi Democrat Bennie G. Thompson, chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, said in a statement, “In light of Saturday’s domestic terrorist attack against the Capitol, I urge the Transportation Security Administration and the FBI to add the names of all identified individuals involved in this attack to the federal no-fly list.”

The Gateway Pundit concluded its story by commenting, Rest in peace, First Amendment. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is really good, but it may not last much longer.

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits the U.S. Congress from making any law for the establishment of a state religion; from making any law impeding the freedom of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, and infringing upon the freedom of the press and the freedom of assembly; and from making any law interfering with or prohibiting the right of the people to petition the government.