UK regulator approves “Starlink” satellite broadband plan

The UK communications regulator has approved a satellite earth station for Musk’s Starlink satellite broadband initiative, representing another important market for Starlink.

Bloomberg reported that a spokesman for Ofcom said on the 9th that it had approved the satellite earth station of Starlink in November last year. According to local media reports, Greece, Germany and Australia have also approved the new system.

The world’s richest man, Musk, hopes to launch thousands of satellites into low orbit through the “Starlink” program to launch superfast networks around the world and expand the coverage of broadband networks. Starlink, a part of Musk’s SpaceX company, has already launched hundreds of satellites into space and has launched a test program in North America.

Ofcom approved Starlink, paving the way for Musk to enter the UK broadband market and compete with traditional satellite companies such as BT, Inmarsat and OneWeb.

In December last year, Musk said that if the revenue growth of Starlink can be reasonably estimated in the future, it is expected to handle the initial public offering (IPO) of Starlink.