“Those who challenge the election results must be skinned alive and rolled in salt,” NIH senior analyst says of Sen. Hawley

The National Pulse reported Saturday (Jan. 9) that Jonathan Gitlin, a former senior policy analyst at the U.S. government’s National Institutes of health (NIH), has repeatedly tweeted that Sen. Josh Hawley (D-N.Y.) has challenged the integrity of the election and that he should be skinned.

Senator Hawley led the opposition to certifying Biden’s Electoral College ticket in the U.S. Congress, and the mainstream media vilified Senator Hawley for inciting the violence that occurred in the Capitol. The National Pulse described Gitlin’s threatening remarks as being issued in the above context.

On Jan. 7, the day after the pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” march, Gitlin tweeted that “Hawley should be skinned alive and rolled in salt.”

Even more vicious was his put-down on Jan. 6, when he said, “Holly should be skinned alive and then put in a bucket full of salt.”

Gitlin is a former adjunct professor at the University of Kentucky and the current editor of the automotive section of Ars Technica, a technology news and information website. He previously worked at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for more than six years, from 2009 to 2015, as a senior policy analyst.

Not coincidentally, the mainstream media’s favorite immunologist, Anthony Fauci, has led the NIH’s Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIIAD) since 1984, commented National Pulse. So Fauci was at the helm of one of NIH’s leading institutions when Gitlin was a senior policy analyst at NIH, and when you look at the senior positions Gitlin held at NIH, maybe Fauci was advised by Gitlin, too!

With 6,000 research scientists and a multi-billion dollar budget, NIH is funded by taxpayers and operates under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Apollo.com chief commentator Wang Duyan said, although I have seen a lot of evil from the left, it still shocked me to see it stated so nakedly, and if this can be done, it will catch up with the Chinese Communist Party’s live organ harvesting. I should say that I still do not know enough about the rampant leftist forces in the U.S. Although I judged Trump’s big win before the election, whether he can be re-elected depends on how far the deep government fraud goes and how far it can be exposed.