Is the blackening there due to promiscuity? What causes darkening of a woman’s private parts?

Adult women’s private parts are generally darker, but the shades vary. Some people say that women’s private parts darken because their private life is too messy and indiscreet, is this really the case? What exactly is the cause of darkening of a woman’s private parts?

Does sex darken your private parts? Take a look at the reasons why your private parts get darker

It is true that the frequent “banging” of the penis and the vagina during sex can cause pigmentation of the private parts of a woman’s body, causing the pink skin to darken. However, frequent sexual intercourse is not the only factor that causes the darkening of the female private parts, but it is also related to the following reasons.

In addition to frequent sexual intercourse, darkening of the female genitalia is also related to the following factors.

Genetic factors. Just like the color of a person’s skin, some people grow black, some people grow white, and the private parts are no exception. Private color is a large factor is determined by congenital, and we can not because of a person’s skin color darker and on the person labeled as “promiscuous”.

2, age factor. With the increase in age, female skin black deposits will gradually increase, and the older you are, the darker your skin will be, which is a very normal physiological phenomenon. A forty-five-year-old woman’s private parts, if still as pink as a girl, it is simply a miracle.

How to slow down the rate of darkening of the private parts?

As you can see from the above, darkening of a woman’s private parts is a natural process that is not a disease, but it is more aesthetically pleasing. So, what can a woman do to slow down the rate at which her genitals darken?

1、Ride a bike as little as possible. If you ride a bicycle often, your crotch will rub against the seat and damage your labia, so it is recommended to reduce the number of times you ride a bicycle.

Use a mild cleaning solution. If you feel itching and odor in your private parts, you can use some mild cleaning fluid to clean your private parts, but try to use it sparingly.

Wear tight pants sparingly. Tight pants are easy to tighten the hips, leading to an increase in private temperature, inducing the growth of bacteria, which can lead to vaginitis, and should be worn less often.

4, diet regulation. It is usually recommended to add vitamins, drink more water and eat more vegetables, but also pay attention to regular work and rest, if the black private parts have prejudice, can also be used to formal whitening products for maintenance.

In short, a woman’s genitalia black is not the result of promiscuity, and those who judge a woman’s moral turpitude by the color of her private parts are simply speechless.