China has 73 vaccine side effects! Shanghai expert: the world’s least safe vaccine

Beijing Kexing Biological Products Co., Ltd. shows the CCP virus vaccine produced by the company at a press conference on Sept. 24.

Recently, Beijing approved the marketing of an inactivated vaccine against the Chinese Communist virus developed by China Pharmaceutical Group. A Chinese vaccine expert, Tao Lina, posted the vaccine’s instruction manual online on the 5th, mentioning as many as 73 side effects after vaccination, and he exclaimed that the Chinese vaccine became the world’s least safe vaccine.

The inactivated vaccine developed by Sinopharm China Biological, which was approved for marketing by the Chinese Communist Party authorities on Dec. 30, 2020, claims that the vaccine has 79.34 percent protection.

The inactivated vaccine from Sinopharm Zhongsheng Wuhan and Beijing Kexing Zhongwei has also previously been approved for emergency use, and the vaccines from the above three companies are being administered to key populations for medical treatment, transportation, transport, quarantine, and going abroad.

In the vaccination instructions released by CCTV on the 3rd, elderly people over 60 years old and patients with related diseases, who are most in need of the vaccination, are excluded from the vaccination population, which has aroused questions from the public.

The Communist Party of China (CPC) authorities rushed to vaccinate 50 million Chinese people against the Chinese virus before the Chinese New Year holiday. Experts are concerned that the authorities are only concerned with collecting money, and that giving the vaccine, which is still under development, to a large number of people could have serious consequences.

On Jan. 5, Chinese vaccine expert Tao Lina said on WeChat that he had received an electronic version of the latest version of the inactivated vaccine manual from the Beijing Institute of Biological Products of Sinopharm, with the trade name “Zhong Ai Ke Wei” and an approval date of Dec. 30, 2020.

I counted 73 local/systemic adverse reactions in the ‘Adverse Reactions’ column,” Taurina said.

Taurina listed the side effects mentioned in the instructions, including rare serious side effects such as High blood pressure, vision loss, loss of taste, breathing difficulties, delayed menstruation, headache and urinary incontinence, in addition to pain, swelling, fever, hard knots, rash, itching and erythema at the vaccination site.

Taurina said that the number of adverse side effects of “ZOELCOVEE” is as high as 73, making it the world’s most unsafe vaccine, and there is no other vaccine in use that has more adverse side effects than “ZOELCOVEE”.

Tao Li Na said that some other physicians jokingly said that this is a “long disclaimer”, but in fact the opposite, as long as it is written in the list of side effects in the manual, then the patient can not do compensation for these side effects after using the drug, and then the responsibility must be borne by the provincial government to compensate, the enterprise does not need to compensate, so that the provincial governments become the wrongdoer.

(Web screenshot)

In fact, the international community has always had serious doubts about the safety and efficacy of China’s domestically produced vaccines because no complete data has been released. Many Chinese medical professionals, too, have a negative attitude toward the official mobilization of vaccination by the Chinese Communist Party.

According to an investigative report by the Epoch Times, an emergency notification of vaccination mapping in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, revealed that none of the local CCP officials had signed up. A similar emergency mapping in Shanghai in November showed that health care workers were reluctant to be vaccinated, with more than 90 percent of health care workers at Yangpu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine refusing to get the vaccine.

Shanghai’s Mr. Li said the mainland vaccine is not credible because it is not up to par and has questionable quality, so he will not get it. The most critical thing about this vaccine is that it is not like a mouse to call people for testing?

He stressed that the Chinese Communist Party wants to dominate the world, its vaccines have political factors, and the vaccines have to be provided to third world developing countries.

Guo Liben, a parent of a child victim of tainted milk powder in Beijing, also said that his family and friends around him refused to take vaccines because of vaccine safety issues, including the fact that many children were disabled and died from vaccines.

Professor Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infection at Huashan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University in Shanghai, recently expressed his personal opinion at a conference about the refusal of many medical staff to vaccinate.

“Whether you have 10% vaccination or 20% vaccination, actually we are not in a hurry”, he said. “So who is going to should fight first today? Personally, I think it is the leading cadres who should fight first now”.

Dr. Ho Mei-hsiang, an expert from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, said that the step of making “inactivated vaccine” is to raise the virus and then kill it, so Taiwan will not develop and use this whole virus vaccine.

Dr. Lin Xiaoxu, who has a medical background, said that the production process of “inactivated vaccine” itself is very risky, first of all, will all these viruses be killed? Second, in the process of killing the virus, many chemical elements are added, will these be harmful to the human body and have side effects? These are all questions.

Recently, there have been frequent group diagnoses among expatriate Chinese employees who have received the Chinese-made “inactivated vaccine”. For example, at least 17 Chinese employees have been diagnosed in Angola, and about 300 Tianjin people have been diagnosed in Serbia. Group infections have also been reported in Uganda and Angola in Africa, as well as in Europe.