Media mogul: Biden quickly replaced by He Jinli after taking office

Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and California Senator Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

One of America’s media moguls, Pat Robertson, founder of the famous Christian Broadcasting Network, said on Monday (Dec. 12) that the Democratic presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2020 U.S. presidential election would be the same. Pat Robertson said on Monday (Dec. 21) that Joe Biden (D-N.Y.) is the Democratic candidate for president and vice president in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Joe Biden’s “corruption has not been translated into results” and neither the Electoral College nor the Supreme Court can do anything about it. He predicted that he would see Biden take office as president of the United States, but soon after Biden’s inauguration was Kamala Harris (also known as Kamala Harris) to replace him. He predicted that he would see Biden take office as president of the United States, but soon after Biden’s inauguration, Kamala Harris took over.

Robertson, who is 90, said Monday on CBN News magazine’s 700 Club, “I prayed and hoped for a better solution, but I don’t think (there will be a better solution) – I think it’s over.”

Then, Robertson said, “I think the Electoral College has spoken (taken a stand). I don’t think Biden’s corruption has all turned into results (fruition) yet, but that doesn’t seem to have influenced the Electoral College (to elect Biden), and I don’t think the Supreme Court is going to take any action.”

On what the election impasse will look like come January 20 next year, Robert predicted, “I think we’re going to see a ‘President Biden,’ and I think we’ll see another ‘President Biden’ shortly after he takes office A ‘President Hejinli. So, please keep your eyes on the future.”

A CBN reporter then asked Robertson if he thought President Trump should come back and run for president in 2024.

Robertson replied, “I think that’s a mistake.” He also suggested that his preferred Republican presidential candidate in 2024 would be former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley. Haley (Nikki Haley).

Of what President Trump would do, Robertson said, “With all his talent and ability to raise money and grow huge crowds, President Trump still lives in an alternate reality. And he does.”

Robert advised President Trump to accept the results of the election now and let life move on.

Robert’s comments drew a lot of media attention because he had been very optimistic about President Trump’s re-election and had noted in August that the United States was in a “spiritual battle” with far-left anarchists who wanted to turn their ideology into a religion and replace traditional religions.

In October, Robert predicted that President Trump would win the election, but that there would be turmoil in the United States, including civil unrest, two more assassination attempts on President Trump, and a war against Israel, but all of these would be “overthrown by God. After the turmoil is over, the world will have a very peaceful period of at least 5 years or more, and finally an asteroid will hit the earth.